The Big Bang Theory

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Thursday November 28, 2019, 5:00 PM

They entered their bedroom, and Penny indicated that Leonard should sit down, on the bed. She continued walking around to her side, opened the nightstand and pulled out a plastic bag. She then walked around and sat down, next to Leonard.

"I'm not sure how to tell you this." Penny said, sounding worried.

Leonard was concerned, something was wrong with his wife and he wanted to know what was wrong.

"Just say it." He said.

"Okay, here, goes...." Penny stopped, she realized that she was using the same phrase that she had used six years ago, when she wasn't sure about the relationship.

"It's okay, Penny." Leonard said shortly. "Just tell me, you know I'll be here for you."

Penny sighed, Leonard was always there for her, but after what she had to tell him, he might not be. She managed a slight smile and said. "Okay, Leonard, last week, on Wednesday, I took a test, here is that test."

She handed him the plastic bag, with the pregnancy test in it.

Leonard had an idea what it might be, but was looking at the wrong side. "What's this?"

"Turn it over." Penny said.

He turned the bag over and immediately saw two red lines, and he knew exactly what they meant. Leonard was shocked and puzzled.

Continuing to look at the test, he said, slowly. "Does this mean what I think it means?"

"What do you think it means?"

"It means you're pregnant?" Leonard said starting to smile, finally looking at Penny.

Penny looked like she was going to cry, but simply nodded.

"But, you... I thought... I don't understand..." Leonard was still smiling, but struggling to get the words out.

"Yes, I'm pregnant." Penny said, tears welling up in her eyes.

"I mean... I thought you didn't want kids." Leonard said. Then he noticed the tears. "Is that why you're crying?"

"I know I told you that..." Penny stopped, trying to make sure the words came out right, as one tear rolled down each of her cheeks.

"Then, how did this happen?" Leonard asked.

"Well I know how it happened." Penny said. "It was that night I came home, drunk, with Sheldon. We had sex, didn't use a condom."

"But, you said you couldn't get pregnant, right after your period."

"Well, guess what." Penny said, angrily. "I was wrong, you can..." She stopped and reached out and puts her hand on Leonard's arm, and said softly. "I'm sorry, Leonard. I shouldn't yell at you, you tried to tell me, but I was so excited to have sex. It had to be then, because it was the only time we did it, without protection, in that whole month."

"So what are we going to do?"

"I'm not sure." Penny said, looking down.

"What do you mean?" Leonard said suspiciously. "You're not sure?"

"Well." Penny said. "The doctor said I had three options."

"The doctor?"

"Yes." Penny said lowering her eyes even further. "I went to my gynecologist's office, and talked to Bernadette's obstetrician. She had me do a test, to verify that I was pregnant. Then took blood and pee and felf my belly to make sure everything was okay. That's all I've done, I have another appointment on Monday, I want you to be there."

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