Chapter 8-Lena Flying!

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Monday December 2nd 2019, 7:30 AM

Leonard and Penny were walking out to their cars. Penny hadn't felt sick this morning, drinking tea, instead of coffee.

They kissed and separated to go to their own cars, when Penny turned and said. "Now, don't forget to meet me... er... ahhhh, I told you we're not going to the restaurant tonight."

Leonard looked confused, they hadn't planned on going to a restaurant tonight, and was about to say something when he saw Penny flick her eyes. Turning, he saw Amy and Sheldon walking towards them.

"Good morning." Sheldon said. "What about a restaurant tonight? I thought we were bringing dinner to your apartment tonight."

Leonard started stammering, but Penny spoke up. "We were talking about going out to eat tonight, when I reminded Leonard that you were bringing dinner. So, I was telling him we couldn't go out tonight."

"Well, that's a good thing." Sheldon said. "I would hate to bring over food, if you weren't there. You need to remember these things Leonard."

"I know, Sheldon." Leonard said, trying to hide a smile. "I've been thinking about our new experiment, and tonight just got away from me."

"It's fine." Sheldon said. "I'll see you at work, bye."

Amy said goodbye, then they both got in the car, Amy started it, and they left for work.

Penny walked to the passenger side of Leonard's car and said. "That was close, good thing I saw them come around the building."

"I suppose." Leonard said. "I still want to tell them."

"We're waiting until we get back, remember?" Penny said sternly.

"Yeah, I know." Leonard said, frowning.

"We agreed, not until we get home." Penny said. "I'll see you there at 12:45, okay?"

"You know, I'll be there." Leonard said, smiling.

"I'll see you then." Penny said, also with a smile, walking back to her car, and getting in.

Seconds later, she was driving off, as Leonard got into his car.

Monday December 2nd 2019, 12:50 PM

As Leonard pulled into the doctor's office parking lot, he saw Penny's car. He got out, walking into office, and saw Penny, waiting.

He sat down next to her and asked. "We're just waiting for the doctor?"

"Yes." Penny said. "The nurse took my temperature, weight, and blood pressure, and it's all good. Now we just wait."

They sat there for only about five more minutes, before the doctor came out and called Penny's name. Leonard and Penny rose and followed the doctor, into her office.

They sat down, as did the doctor, and Penny said. "Dr. Samuels, this is my husband, Dr. Leonard Hofstadter."

Dr. Samuels looked at Leonard, for a few seconds and said. "Are you the pediatrician at Huntington Memorial, here in Pasadena?"

Leonard chuckled. "No, I'm not that kind of doctor. I'm an experimental physicist at Caltech."

"Oh, we get quite a few of people who work at Caltech, here." Dr. Samuels said.

"You were the doctor for, Dr. and Mr. Wolowitz-Rostenkowksi." Penny said.

Dr. Samuels looked surprised and nodded. "Oh, yes, they were a really nice couple."

"Yes." Penny said. "They are a couple of our best friends."

"Oh, okay, good." Dr. Samuels said. "What have you decided?"

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