Chapter 15

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Sunday December 8, 2019, 7:15 PM

"If we don't, he might try to jump out of the plane." Leonard said.

"Doesn't answer my question." Penny said.

"Tell me what?" Sheldon said, with his arm over his mouth.

Penny paused, then said. "I'm pregnant, Sheldon."

Sheldon dropped his arm and said. "You're right, I can't catch that."

Then he stood up, and walked back to his seat.

Leonard was angry, and went back to tell Sheldon what a jerk he was being. Meanwhile, Amy came forward to ask why Penny hadn't told her.

Standing over her, Amy said. "Sheldon says your pregnant."

Penny shrugged and said. "Yes, I am."

Amy slid by Penny to sit in Leonard's seat and said. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"We didn't tell anybody." Penny said.

"I'm not anybody." Amy said. "I'm your best friend."

Just then, Bernadette walked up. "What's going on?"

"She's pregnant." Amy said.

"That's fantastic." Bernadette said with a smile, in an excited voice. Suddenly, she looked angry, slapping Penny on the arm and said. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"She didn't tell me either." Amy said.

"But, I'm her best friend." Bernadette said.

"Ah huh." Amy said. "We'll get into that later." She turned to Penny. "What happened to 'I'm never going to have kids'?"

"Well, it was an accident." Penny said. "I went out drinking with Sheldon."

Amy gasped. "Oh my gosh, we're sister wives?"

"No." Penny said in annoyance. "Then, I went home and slept with Leonard."

"While fantasizing about..." Amy said.

"Leonard." Penny said.

Amy looked disappointed.

Penny turned to Bernadette and said. "And, a little Idris Elba."

They fist bumped each other while Penny said. "I mean, ahhhhhhh."

Bernadette said. "Okaaaaayyyyy."

While Amy looked puzzled.

"Look." Penny said. "We didn't tell anyone, because we just found out, last week, and we're still trying to figure it all out. Also, we didn't want to upstage you and Sheldon."

"Oh, thank you, that's nice." Amy said, a bit sarcastically. "So, it was an accident, are you going to have it?"

"Of course I'm going to have it." Penny said. "Do you think I'd get rid of it?"

"I don't know." Amy said. "I thought you might, since you didn't want kids."

"I've already talked to Leonard and the doctor." Penny said. "And we've decided to keep it. I thought of all the times Leonard wanted to move faster in the relationship, but I didn't. Yet I eventually caught up with him. I think this is the same thing."

"I can understand that, look at Sheldon over the last few years." Amy said. "I know he's worse than you."

Penny chuckled and nodded.

"What doctor?" Bernadette asked.

Penny turned to Bernadette. "I've seen Dr. Samuels, twice."

"Oh, you'll like her." Bernadette said. "She was very supportive and concerned."

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