Chapter 2

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Olivia slammed the car door, putting on her seatbelt and starting the ignition, but she couldn't seem to pull out of the parking space. How could she be pregnant? The doctor had made it perfectly clear that it wasn't possible for her. She couldn't wrap her brain around it. She grabbed her phone, sliding through the contacts until she found Elliot's name. She waited, the phone to her ear, while she heard the ringing on the other end. She might as well get this over with.

"Leave a message and I will get back to you as soon as I can..." His voicemail caught her off guard and she hung up, throwing the phone down on the seat.

"Damn it, El!" She yelled. "Why aren't you answering your phone?"

She knew she shouldn't be angry. He was probably at work and she could've left a message but she didn't. He had called her, the day after Noah's birthday and she hadn't answered either. He'd left a message, explaining that he was sorry he couldn't come to the party, but that he didn't feel like hanging out with the old crowd and answering their questions all night. She believed him, but still she didn't call him back. Then he had called again, just yesterday, asking if she wanted to go to dinner. He said they could take Noah, go someplace more family-friendly, and come home early to get him to bed. But she hadn't returned that call either. She wasn't sure she was ready to let him in. He'd admitted he was unsure about having a baby in his life again, and she didn't want to force him into a life he didn't want, and she knew he'd pretend to be happy if he thought it was what she wanted.

But now... there was another baby to think about.

"Oh shit." She suddenly realized it was a good thing that Elliot hadn't answered the phone.

She couldn't tell him she was pregnant, not yet. He'd probably look at her with a phony grin and tell her how much he loved her and that this was great news, even though she knew he'd be bitter inside. He'd be wondering how the hell something like this could've happened to them and why he kept getting trapped in these situations.

"God... I'm just like Kathy."

She groaned as she pulled her car onto the road.

"Maybe you won't be all that surprised after all, Stabler." She snickered. "Since you just go around knocking people up on a whim."

By the time she made it back to work she wasn't as angry anymore... at least not at Elliot. This wasn't his fault, no matter how many times it had happened to him before. She could have prevented it and she should have, but she didn't. And now she had to face the consequences of that. She walked into the squad room, relieved that none of the Detectives were there and walked into her office. She sat at her desk, looking at her computer and smiling at the screen saver picture of Noah that stared back at her. She wanted to go home and feed him dinner and cuddle with him. She wanted that more than anything. She was about to shut down her computer and head home early when Fin knocked at the door. She had expected him to come check on her, and she knew she owed him the truth, especially after he had been so concerned, but she dreaded talking to him. She dreaded talking to anyone.

"Can I come in?" Fin asked.

He peeked in the door and she nodded. He came in and sat across from her.

"You were gone a long time. Everything okay?" He questioned.

"Yeah." She nodded. "I guess so... for now anyway."

What did the doctor say?" He knew he was prying, but he was worried and he wasn't going to let her go home without telling him.

"I'm pregnant..." Olivia gasped a little as she let's the words escape her lips.

It was the first time she had said it aloud.

"I knew it." Fin smiled. "Congratulations... you must be so excited."

"That's not the word for it." She admitted sadly.

"You're not happy?" Fin asked.

He knew how much she'd always wanted a baby so he hoped it was nothing more than cold feet.

"The doctor thinks I'll probably lose it anyway." She said tearfully.

"What?" Fin gasped in disbelief. "Is something wrong with the baby... with you?"

Olivia shook her head. "No... not right now. She just said my age is serious concern... that most women my age miscarry in the first trimester. I can't get attached to this baby."

"Is she going to do anything to help you?" He asked, angry that the doctor had upset her so much. "Can't they do things to help you along... to keep you from losing the baby."

"I don't know." Olivia sighed. "I have to call a specialist tomorrow. Someone who works with old pregnant ladies like me."

She forced a laugh, but he could tell she was really hurting.

"I'm going to have some tests done too... the doctor said if I carry to term, the baby might be sick."

"Seems like there are a lot of maybes..." Fin looked seriously at her. "Maybe... this kid will be just fine."

"Thanks for saying that." Olivia really did feel better talking to him. She pulled the ultrasound photo out of her purse and slid it across her desk for him to look at. "This is my kid."

She smiled, more sincerely this time.

Fin grinned happily.

"The little blob definitely looks like a little Baby Benson to me." He teased. "You think Noah will like being a big brother?"

"Oh... I don't know." Olivia shook her head. "He won't even be two, Fin. This isn't fair to him, it is?"

"Hey... he's gonna have a playmate for the rest of his life." He reminded her. "Making him a big brother isn't a bad thing... it's a blessing."

"I hope so." She smiled. "I'm gonna head home... spend some time with him."

"Sounds like a good idea." Fin stood up and waited for her to gather her things. "Did you tell Cassidy yet? How'd he take the news?"

Olivia's eyes widened and she shook her head. "No, Fin... Brian is not the father of this baby. Please don't say anything to him."

"What? He's your ex... who the hell else have you been seeing?" He asked in disbelief.

"I haven't been with Brian since we broke up." Olivia assured him. "Keep him out of this!"

She made her way toward the door, but Fin stepped in front of her.

"Then who is it?" He asked again. Maybe it wasn't any of his business, but he was worried about her and he wanted to make sure she was going to be okay. "Please tell me he's a good guy who will be there for you and the kid."

"He's a good guy." Olivia answered reluctantly. "But I haven't told him. He doesn't want more kids... he already has them. He's a grandfather... he doesn't want a baby. I'm going to ruin his life when I tell him."

She felt a tear slide down her cheek and quickly wiped it away.

"He needs to know." Fin replied seriously.

"I'm going to tell him later." She admitted. "If I make it through the first trimester... then I'll tell him. There is no reason to tell him sooner if there might not be a baby."

Speaking those words she realized it was the best choice. Elliot didn't need to know right now. It would be better if he didn't.

"I'm going home." Olivia said.

She opened her door and stormed out. Fin couldn't help but wonder who this mystery man was... whoever the guy was, Fin was going to make sure he took care of Olivia and that baby. They didn't deserve anything less.

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