Chapter 3

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"Mama... Mama... Mama." Noah's happy voice squealed when Olivia walked through the door.

He had just started saying it, and it melted her heart every single time. She smiled and picked him up, kissing him on the cheek.

"Mama..." He babbled again, happily.

"I missed my big boy." Olivia carried him to the sofa and sat him on her lap. "Were you good today?"

"Oh, hi Olivia." Maureen came out of the bathroom, Kate trailing behind her. "Noah got away from me when I was taking Kate potty. He's a little escape artist lately."

Olivia laughed, knowing her son's new found mobility was going to be a challenge. For a brief second she flashed to the thought of being hugely pregnant and trying to chase after him, but she quickly pushed that image from her mind.

"I missed him today." She smiled. "So I came home a little early. You can go home early too if you want."

"Thanks." Maureen agreed.

She got her things together and Kate climbed up on the couch to huge Olivia and Noah goodbye.

"Oh..." Maureen added as she took Kate by the hand. "Dad called and said to tell you he'd be here to pick you up by 6:30."

She headed toward the door.

"What?" Olivia turned quickly to look at her. "Why is he coming over here?"

Maureen shrugged. "He said he called and asked you and Noah to dinner and you called him back earlier but he didn't get your message. He assured you were calling to say yes."

"Of course he did..." Olivia mumbled under her breath.

She looked at her watch and knew she didn't have time to call him and cancel. He was probably already on his way.

"Have a good night, Maureen." Olivia waved as they walked out the door.

As afraid as she was of seeing Elliot, she had to admit she really wanted to see him. She wasn't going to tell him she was pregnant, but for some reason she longed to be with him. Besides that, she was hungry... something that only seemed to happen in the evenings now. She sighed, thinking of how she could eat enough for six people at dinner, but then she spent the rest of the day fighting persistent nausea. It was unfair. She stood up, carrying her son and smiled at him.

"Do you want to go out and eat with Mommy and Elliot tonight?" Olivia asked him and he smiled like he understood.

She went into the bedroom, sitting Noah on her bed and laughing as he entertained himself by hiding under the comforter and then peeking out at her. She looked through the closet, trying to decide on something to wear. She didn't feel like dressing up, and since it was a casual meal at a family-friendly restaurant she figured she didn't need to. She grabbed her favorite pair of jeans, for a brief moment wondering if they might be too tight now, but she knew that was ridiculous. She wasn't showing yet, and she hated that she couldn't even choose a simple pair of pants without the pregnancy consuming her thoughts. She pulled off her dress slacks and slipped into the jeans, buttoning them easily. Then she grabbed a blue flowered blouse, laying it on the bed and pulling off her white button-up work shirt. She looked in the mirror, noticing her cleavage spilling out of her bra. Her bra was too tight, no wonder it had been digging into her skin all day. Maybe she should have noticed that before now. She was going to change it, but she knew she'd get the same result from all the others.

"How did I go up a freaking cup size and not even notice?" Olivia whispered to herself as she pulled on the shirt and wondered if it looked too tight across her chest.

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