Episode 12-Voodoo Child

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The phone call came through at 2:32 am. Lena found herself aware very much against her will as Kara mumbled a sleepy protest at the noise of her phone. Lena didn't bother to force her eyes open to read the Caller ID she just accepted the call mumbling her name as she sat up rubbing her eyes

"Ms. Luthor, I'm sorry to tell you but your mother passed away tonight. Her condition was already serious and..."

Lena had a sudden ringing in her ears as the words started to sink in. Lillian was... dead? The world seemed to be swirling around her almost violently. Her mother was dead.

Kara's hand on her shoulder brought her crashing suddenly back to the moment.

"What?" Lena asked trying to keep the confusion from her voice. "H-how? She - she had months... I had months..."

There was a moment of silence on the other end of the phone.

"Ms. Luthor, your mother was given less than a month two weeks ago. The cancer was discovered sometime last year and was declared inoperable. She has..."

The doctor kept talking but Lena heard none of it as her final conversation with Lillian played over in her mind. Kara gently took the phone from her numb fingers and started talking quietly to the doctor.

She had months.

The words kept repeating in her head as Lena sat in shock trying to understand what it was that had happened.

"Time makes fools of us all. Goodbye Lena."

She... she said goodbye. Suddenly everything made sense. Lillian had been acting oddly because she knew what was coming. She had known she was going to die and was saying goodbye.

Lena became aware Kara was holding her very gently and the phone was no longer in her hand. The warmth of Kara's arms around her helped her become aware of the world again. Her mind slowly begins working again as the shock started to wear off.

"I need to organize the funeral." She said quietly.

Kara rubbed her arm squeezing her tighter for a moment.

"I'll call Jess for you."

Kara didn't let go of her as she picked up the phone again. The call was short then Kara was wrapped around her again.


Lena turned her head to look at Kara.

"I - I don't know how I feel." She whispered.

Kara nodded holding her that little big tighter.

"Lie down, rest. You can deal with it all later."

Lena wanted to say she couldn't sleep now, that she had work to do but she found her body obeying as Kara guided her to lie down once more the blanket coming up to cover her as Kara held her very gently in her arms. Then Lena closed her eyes and found herself asleep once more.

Kara didn't sleep. She stayed awake her mind going through everything as she held Lena through the night. Aos almost seemed to be able to understand something had happened. Or perhaps her own stillness made her more aware of what was a usual level of movement from their child. She listened all night waiting ready should anything disturb Lena's sleep. When the blinds rose Lena did her usual grumpy protest and then she rolled over.

Kara saw the exact moment the memory of the last night call hit Lena. It came as a wave of sudden stillness went over her body the sleepy mumbling stopped as Lena stared unseeing up at the ceiling. Kara reached under the blankets and squeezed her hand.

"You don't need to do anything." She said quietly.

Lena was quiet for a long moment.

"I don't know what to do." She finally whispered.

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