Chapter 7

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The procedure had gone well, and the doctor had promised the results within a week. Fin helped Olivia into her apartment, even though she insisted she felt just fine. The doctor said she should expect some cramping for the next couple of days, but so far she hadn't felt anything out of the ordinary and she was grateful. She was tired though, which had nothing to do with the procedure, but since she had a few days off she figured she should take advantage of the chance to rest.

"I'm gonna go lay down." She said. "Thanks again for driving me. I really appreciate it."

"No problem." Fin smiled. "You want me to stay awhile... make sure everything is okay?"

Olivia shook her head.

"I'm fine." She insisted. "I'll call if I need anything. I promise."

She hugged him and he knew she was scared for her baby. The doctor had said there was a very slight chance of miscarriage after the procedure, and he knew that was weighing heavily on her mind.

"I'll have my cell on." He reminded her. "You get some sleep."

He walked out the door, waiting to her hear the clicks on the locks before heading down to his car. He pulled out his phone, quickly googling Litzman Security... Elliot Stabler had given up Detective work to be a Rent-A-Cop? Some things never ceased to amaze him. He looked at the address and drove there, not really thinking about what he'd say when he saw him. All he knew was Elliot had hurt Olivia... three years ago when he'd fallen off the face of the earth without a trace... and again now when she was left all alone carrying his baby. He wouldn't let him get by with that.

He sat in the parking lot, wishing Stabler would come out of the building but he never did. If Fin wanted to confront him, he'd have to go inside. He made his way slowly toward the entrance, pulling open the door and staring at the smiling receptionist.

"May I help you sir?" She asked.

"I need to see Elliot Stabler." He said quickly, fully expecting the woman to tell him he was out on a job or something.

"Mr. Stabler is in a meeting with a client." She replied. "I'm afraid he's booked all day. You can come back..."

He wasn't sure why, but he was furious. He'd thought Elliot was a security guard but apparently he was some kind of business executive... damn that guy. He flashed his badge.

"I'm gonna see him now." He insisted and the woman looked surprised as he pushed past her and into the office.

Elliot was sitting in the room with a woman, the client apparently. She wasn't young, but not old either and Fin shook his head at the obvious way Elliot was flirting with her. He had always been the kind of guy to use whatever methods he could to get what he wanted and it looked like things hadn't changed.

"What the hell..." Elliot stood up and looked from Fin to the secretary who had followed behind him.

"I'm sorry... he flashed his badge and ran right past me." The secretary explained.

"It's okay." Elliot nodded, letting her know it was alright to go back to her desk. He looked at the client. "It appears I have another appointment. Call me later Mrs. Sharples and I will work out some times to have a couple of guards come interview with you at the store."

He shook the woman's hand and she walked out, looking frustrated that her meeting was cut short. When the woman was out of earshot, Elliot walked past Fin and slammed the door.

"What the hell are you doing here?" He asked. "You can't just barge in here like that..."

"Shut the hell up!" Fin yelled. "Sit down and shut up!"

"You can't come in here and talk to me like that!" Elliot argued. "Who the hell do you think you are? This is my office... my job... I don't know why you're here..."

"We need to talk about Olivia." Fin knew he'd struck a nerve by the way Elliot slumped at the mention of her name.

"What about her?" He asked. "Is she okay?"

"She's fine. We can't do this here." Fin said seriously. "Trust me... you don't want to do this here."

Elliot walked past him, opening the door and stopping at the receptionist's desk, telling her he had a family emergency and asking her to cancel his appointments for the day. Then he walked out the door, Fin following behind him. They walked two blocks down and Elliot opened the door to a small bar, grabbing a table and sitting, ordering drinks when the waitress came over, and still not speaking to Fin as he stared across the table at him.

"So... you're in charge of that security company now?" Fin asked, unsure of how to proceed.

"Cut the shit." Elliot's eyes burned through him like daggers. "You didn't pull me out of work for small talk. You said this is about Liv? What's wrong with her?"

"You don't know?" Fin asked, not really believing him.

The waitress brought their drinks, and Elliot swallowed his in one fast gulp, slamming the glass down on the table.

"I know she's been sick." He admitted looking down at the table. "Maureen said she was having some kind of medical procedure today... but she didn't know what it was or why. She's been texting me... but we had a fight..."

"You had a fight?" Fin asked. "So you figured you'd just let her deal with this on her own?"

"She lied to me!" Elliot scowled. "I tried to help her while she was puking her guts out, I took care of her kid, I made her tea... and she looked right at me and lied to me. She told me she had the damn flu. All she had to do was tell me... and she didn't even have the decency to do that."

"She's scared." Fin said.

"Damn her." Elliot said.

He closed his eyes, clenching his fists.

"What's wrong with her?" He asked, opening his eyes and taking a deep breath. "How bad is it?"

Fin was confused. He had been sure Elliot knew about the baby, especially when he said Olivia had lied to him, but now he wasn't so sure.

"What are you talking about?" He asked.

"She's sick." Elliot tried not to show how emotional he was. "Maureen told me Liv's been sick for weeks now... that she keeps going to doctor's appointments and she even asked her to keep the baby for a couple of days. She'd never do that unless she had to. She told Maureen it was some kind of female thing... so what is it? Cancer? God... I should've called her... I don't know why I didn't..."

"Elliot... she's not sick." Fin couldn't believe his ears. Olivia had told him her baby's father didn't want to be there for her, but he didn't even know the truth. "She's pregnant."

"No... she's not." Elliot shook his head. "There's no way."

"She's pregnant, Elliot." Fin wondered from his response if Elliot would have rather heard she had cancer. "Ten weeks..."

"She told me she couldn't get pregnant." Elliot sighed. "She said the doctor told her she was menopausal or something. So... she's lied to me twice..."

"Hey... I don't think she lied to you about that." Fin insisted. "She didn't think she could have a baby. I know that. Believe me... she was in some serious denial about this pregnancy for a long time. That's probably why she didn't tell you."

He looked serious.

"It is yours... right?" He hated to ask, but after he'd opened up this can of worms he was worried about the mess he'd created.

Olivia was never going to forgive him.

"Yeah... it's mine." Elliot shook his head in defeat. Even though she hadn't been truthful with him about the pregnancy, there was no doubt in his mind that it was his baby. "I have to talk to Liv."

He stood up from the table and headed toward the door. Fin watched him go, wondering if he should go after him, but he didn't. He'd done more harm than good, even though he'd meant well. He ordered another drink and hoped for the best.

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