Chapter 1

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Beth sat on the bar stool as the young bar tender approached.

"What can I get ya?" The young girl asked.

"Double Titos, three olives."

"You know that's a martini right, kid." The other bar tender said with a smirk.

Before Beth could reply the girl rolled her eyes at him. "Come off it. Martini's have vermouth and had with friends and by the looks of it right now. Beth Dutton doesn't have any of those."

The other bar tender let's out a low whistle. "Careful Luce, you'll get yourself into trouble."

Lucy let's out a laugh. "Don't worry, I can handle it."

Deep down Lucy knew she probably couldn't handle Beth Dutton but she didn't care at the moment, it was nice to prove someone wrong.

Beth watched their interaction with interest.

It almost felt as if she was looking in the mirror except at a younger version of herself.

"How do you know who I am?" Beth asked taking a sip of her drink.

The kid shrugged. "Everyone knows the Yellowstone."

Beth didn't have anything else to say to that knowing it was true.

"Wait. How old are you?" Beth asked as she went to serve the next customer.

"Old enough." Lucy replied smartly.

Beth closed her eyes, memory playing vividly in her mind.

"Rip, I'm pregnant."

"Are you sure?"

"Of course I'm sure Rip. What the fuck am I meant to do. We can't have a baby. My Dad is going to kill me." Beth ranted pacing up and down by the side of the barn where Rip slept.

She had not long turned 14 and just found this out.

Rip ran his hands through his hair, clearly stressed. "We have to tell your Dad. We can't tell Lee, Jamie's a bastard and Kayce he's a damn kid!"

Beth turned and looked at him. "He's gonna kill you."

"I know."

Beth opened her eyes and let's out a long breath.

Lucy ducked below the bar out of sight for customers and security cameras. She let's out a shaky breath. 'Well this is not ideal.' She thought. She had dressed up and forged her resume to get this job to help pay the bills after her foster family left her. Again. She had hoped she never bumped in to Beth Dutton because she never knew what she would do, she had heard enough stories around town.

Lucy stood up, instead turning her focus into making drinks.

Beth watched her carefully before finishing her drink and leaving.

Rip was waiting for Beth on the porch of their cabin, beer in hand when she pulled up.

"Hello darling." He greeted her.

She offered a half smile before sitting next to him on the porch swing.

"Everything all right?" He asked.

"Mm-hmm. I met a Lucy today." She started.

Rip stiffened hearing that name. The same name he and Beth loved since they were 14.

"And where was that?"

"At a bar." Beth said turning to look at him.

"Baby, I know what you're thinking but it can't be."

Season 1, 2, 3 4 and 5 The OriginalsWhere stories live. Discover now