Chapter 3

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"So now we are taking family pictures then doing an interview so that we can explain. I mean I think anyone else had heard that story they would think I hit the lottery. Having two billionaires fighting for my attention, one who is good looking and another that is drop dead gorgeous. Then having the drop dead gorgeous one tell you that he wants to runaway with you because you are the most important thing in his life. Leaving on a great carefree vacation only to be called back because the good looking one gave you a Fortune 500 company and you needed to figure out what you are going to do with it. Then the gorgeous guy tells you that he will stand by you and help you to build the company that means the world to both of you back up to greatness. Then he proposes to you in the most romantic and sweet way ever. Twice even. Then you find out he has a long son who lost his only other family in a car accident, which is so sad. So the two of you take the son in and find out that he is the most caring and genuine kid ever and he makes it so easy to just fall head over heels for him. And then just days later you find out you are pregnant and instantly Mr. Gorgeous is just absolutely perfect. He cares for you and his son and his sister while also planning a wedding, building a relationship with his son who is still trying to figure out his life in a new home and city, remodels his bedroom and the one next to it so that we have not only the most beautiful bedroom I have ever seen that is perfectly both of us but an amazing closet and a picture perfect nursery. And he did all the remodeling as a surprise for you."

Felicity stops talking, for the first time since she sat down in the beautician's chair almost twenty minutes ago, when she hears the makeup artist and hairstylist giggle to themselves.

"I know I am babbling. I do that when I am nervous. A lot actually. But I just keep waking up in this life and have to pinch myself. Well I would if my fiancé would let me. He prefer kisses over pinches. At least me pinching myself. He likes to pinch me all the time it seems. And I have said too much so I am going to stop in 3... 2... 1." Felicity mumbled as she breathed out and blushed.

"Oh don't worry sweetie. I am just glad he is treating you right. I take it the gala went well because so much has changed since I last saw you." Sean waved her off.

"You could say that." Felicity giggled as the vivid memories of that night came back to her; from the face he made when he saw her in the dress to the girls in the bathroom and how him and Thea calmed her down after.

Then she started remembering dancing with him, both at the gala and in their room that night, and how the night ended with them sharing their bodies with each other and showing the love and passion they had for the other in the best way. A soft brush and a new set of giggles bubbled out of her.

"Good to see he also knows how to appreciate your curves. If the grin is anything to go by, another would not be surprised by your new development." Sean snickered as he finished his work. "There. You are drop dead gorgeous."

"Not much of your talent and work needed to make her that way." A voice stated matter-of-factly from the doorway of the bathroom.

Felicity flicked her eyes over to the figure to find Oliver's eyes studying her, his trained gaze soaking up the vision in utter admiration and adoration.

"Everything set up and ready?"

Oliver walked in and stepped behind her, dropping butterfly kisses up her left shoulder and neck. "Yes, sweetheart, everything is perfect. I have Thea getting William dressed now. I wanted to put it off as long as possible so he didn't get the clothes dirty."

"Dirty on what? You two weren't playing out in the garden again."

"No we weren't. I had the final addition to the backyard installed today." Oliver held his hand out for her and escorted her to the window in their bedroom that overlooked the backyard.

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