Chapter 9

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"So William's new friend's dad is your newspaper connection. Convenient." Thea said skeptically.

Felicity, Thea and Donna were upstairs in Felicity and Oliver's room, getting ready to try on wedding dresses and could hear the laughter from outside filling the air. As soon as they got home, William showed Sammy around the mansion. She had never seen a house so big. Oliver and Felicity stayed with them as they ventured throughout the house, Oliver was noted some of the people in photos on walls they passed or uses for rooms they went into. Finally once the tour was done, Oliver took the kids out back while Felicity went upstairs to prepare for the dress fitting. She decided it would be easier if she was in a robe and underwear only so that she would have to worry about changing out of her clothes. That was how Thea and her mom found her, standing elegantly in a soft cream color robe and a pair of heels with her hair pulled away, staring out the window overlooking the backyard. She watched intently as the two children ran around and played and Oliver watched from a distance, wanting to let his son enjoy his time with his new friend but still wanting them safe.

"It's not like that Thea. She's not a spy for Max. She is just a sweet girl who was nice to William on his first day when the other kids weren't. Plus we trust Max and we were the ones to offer to have her over. Max wasn't even there to know William would become friends with his daughter."

"Why wasn't he there?" Donna asked.

"He was going to pick her up today but he got assigned a story and had to call the nanny in. From what Sammy told us, the nanny isn't the best and William needed someone to cheer him up after the bad day he had so Oliver and I thought it was a great idea to invite her over and let the kids have a bit more fun. Which they are."

A new burst of laughter came, drawing Felicity's attention back outside. Thea joined her at the window and now they saw Oliver chasing the two kids around the backyard in a game of tag. The smile that crossed Felicity's lips could not be wiped away and she rubbed at her belly, knowing that one day soon he would be chasing around their own kid like that too.

"He really is falling into this father role well." Thea noted, watching on as Oliver caught up with Sammy and spun her around.

"Yeah. Surprises the hell out of me that this time last year we were just finally getting somewhere. In two weeks it will be one year since that awful date. Well the date was great. I mean the fact that Oliver even asked me out is miraculous. Then he showed up and looked so handsome that I swear my heart stopped. We had a great time. Until everything blew up of course." A ping of sorrow filled Felicity over the missed opportunity and what it could have lead to this year.

"Yeah. Ollie told me. I think I would pay big money to see my brother nervous while asking a girl out. That never happened to him." Thea turned around as a knock at the door drew her attention away.

Miss Thea? The dresses are here." Raisa announced as she opened the door and three young ladies walked in with dress bags covering their arms.

"Great! You can lay them on the bed. This is going to be so great."

Felicity watched as they spread the dress bags on the bed. She knew that each one had a beautiful dress inside. But she started looking at the labels and realized they were all designer dresses.

"Thea these are too much."

"Nonsense! Lis it is your wedding day. And I intend on you finding the dress of your dreams. No matter the price."

"It just seems like a waste of money to spend so much on a dress for one day."

"It's not. And the price doesn't matter. It's how the dress looks on you, makes you feel and what it will make my future son-in-law feel when he sees you in it that matters. Baby girl, Oliver wants you to have a beautiful dress so that your day is perfect. He wants you to have your dream wedding and make all of your dreams come true. He isn't looking at price because to him you are priceless. Just like that little boy out there and the little baby you are carrying inside you."

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