Chapter 7

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William was running down the stairs, excitement for the day too much to bottle up. "William Clayton, what have I said about running in the house?"

"Sorry Mommy." He slowed down as he walked into the dining room, moving to the table for breakfast.

"Sweetheart he is just excited. It is his first day of school at a new school."

"I know and that is why I am not going to punish him but you need to stop that. I want you to be careful and running around means you could fall and hurt yourself."

"Yes Mommy." Felicity kissed the top of his head as she placed the pancakes she had Raisa make in front of him. "Pancakes? Yeah!"

"Now you need to thank Raisa for those. She got up and made them special. Chocolate chip banana. Your favorite."

"Okay Mommy. I will when I bring my plate to her." William smiled as he begins to nibble away at his breakfast, wiggling and dancing in his seat with each bite to show his appreciation.

"Good morning everyone." Donna called as she moved into the room.

She walked up and kissed William's cheek then moved on to make her plate and morning coffee.

"Good morning Donna. How did you sleep?"

"Amazingly. That bed is incredible. Thank you again for letting me stay here, Oliver."

"Donna you are family. You are always welcome."

"Be careful telling her that. She may decided to stay here forever then." Thea joked as she moved into the room, hugging Felicity and Oliver before coming around the table and getting a high five from William which had become their custom. "How are you Donna?"

"Wonderful Thea thank you so much. So we all set up for today?"

"Yep we have the florist appointment at 10 then a tasting at lunch then the dresses will be here this afternoon for Lis after her nap. Diggie is taking the boys out for some of the errands for the house so they will be out."

"You're kicking me out of my house and not telling me, Speedy?" Oliver asked.

"Well duh. You can't see the dress. Get used to being bossed around. That's part of being married bro." Thea snickered as she sat down next to William.

"Yes but usually it is the wife that bosses around the husband not the sister."

"No. I have been bossing you around since birth. Perk of being the sister."

The table erupted in laughter at that, Oliver glaring at Thea before joining in.

"Well this a welcome sound this morning. How is everyone doing?"

"We're great, Pop. Raisa made pancakes and Mommy and Thea are kicking Dad out of the house today."

"What he do this time?" Walter snickered as he tried and failed to stifle a laugh.

"Nothing. Thea is having the wedding dresses brought here for Felicity to try on so I have to leave, for a few hours. That's all." Oliver snarked back, the three ladies giggling still.

"Well good. I can't wait to see the dress my dear. You are going to look beautiful."

"Thank you Walter. Actually there was something I wanted to discuss with you about the wedding."

Walter sat down at the opposite end of the table, across from Oliver. "Of course dear. What is that?"

"Well my dad hasn't been in the picture for years. I was wondering if you would mind walking me down the aisle and giving me away. You are the closest I have had to a father in a long time and I know it would mean so much to both Oliver and myself to have you involved in the ceremony."

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