Chapter 10

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A soft giggle came from the room as the cartoons played in the background. William was trying to focus on his new friend and the cartoons but he was dying to see the dresses upstairs. He had never done well with surprises and this one was killing him. He needed to see. William stood and started to sneak quietly up the stairs.

When he stopped just outside Felicity and Oliver's door, he felt a small bump into his back. "What are you doing?"

"Lis is trying on wedding dresses. I want to see."

"Are you sure that is a good idea? That is usually something brides do alone. Or with their mom."

"I know but I want to see how pretty she looks. She always looks so nice but she is going to look extra special that day."

"Yeah. Girls always do on their wedding day. She did look really pretty when she picked you up today."

"Yeah and she always dresses like that. She is pretty even in jeans."

"Do you like her?"

"Of course she is my mommy."

"No I mean like a crush."

"No!" William shouted then dropped his voice when she hushed him. "No. She is my mommy and my dad loves her. She is just pretty. I want a girl like her some day. She is super smart and cool and pretty so what more could I want in a girl."

"Oh." Sammy blushed a bit.

Most of the boys at school never talked to girls or if they did they were mean to them. They were all immature. William being into girls like that meant a lot to her. She liked it.

"What are you two doing?" A deep voice asked behind them.

They turned from where they had been trying to spy at the door to find Diggle standing there smiling at them.

"Dig, Lis is trying on wedding dresses and I wanna see. Please?" William begged.

Diggle tried to push down the chuckle that was growing deep within him. The two kids looked as if they were trying to catch a peek at their Christmas gifts. A smile grew as he noted.

"How about we ask?" Diggle knocked on the door only to have Thea pop her head out seconds later. "These two were wondering if they could see the dresses."

"Are you two alone?"

"Yeah. Only me, Sammy and Diggle. No dad. He left about ten minutes ago to go get the pizzas for dinner."

"Okay. Just don't say anything to him. Understand?"

The two kids nodded vigorously then ran into the room, pushing past Thea as quickly as possible. Thea turned back into the room with Diggle joining her as a quiet chuckle escaped them both. As soon as the kids were in full view of Felicity they stopped, their jaws and eyes wide open.

"Hey sweetie. Whatcha think?" Felicity giggled and spun around so he could get a full view of the gown she has been in for the last thirty minutes as the seamstress pinned it to make it fit perfectly.

"You are so beautiful." Sammy smiled as William stayed silent. She walked up the dress and puts her hand out to touch it but stopped. She glanced up to Felicity, silently asking permission to which Felicity nodded, then brushed her hand over the bellowing soft fabric that made up the skirt. "You look like a princess from my storybook."

"That's cause she is going to be a Queen." Thea giggled as she sat down on a stool nearby.

"Thanks for that, Thea. I swear the joke will never get old." Felicity noted sarcastically. "Thank you Sammy."

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