Chapter 11

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As Oliver entered the building, a surge of concern filled his heart. He had been at home with Felicity going over wedding details when the call came. Trouble at William's school. He instantly thought that something had happened. Diggle was with him so he knew if it was a bad guy, he would have called. What if they knocked Diggle out and took his son. He didn't want to worry Felicity so he told her that there had been extra paperwork that he needed to sign for Williams for his P.E. class and left before she could ask anyone questions. Which he arrived at the school, he ran to the principal's office as fast as his feet would carry him.

Upon entering the small office, Oliver saw exactly what had happened. There sat William, with an ice pack on his hand, and another little boy sitting next to him, his ice pack across his face and covering his eye.

"Hi dad." William mumbled as his gaze drifted back down to the floor.

"William what happened?"

"Mr. Queen." A stern female voice entered the room.

He turned to found a youthful brunette staring daggers at him with a set of chocolate brown eyes.


"I'm Principal Winters. Please." She held out her hand as an invite for him to enter her office. When he walked in, she looked back at the boys and noted. "You both remain quiet and don't start any more trouble. Kyle, your parents will be here soon."

With that she shuts the door.

Oliver sat across from her and smiled, trying to ease the tension with his charm like he always did.

"Mr. Queen."

"Please call me Oliver."

"Mr. Queen." She continued and Oliver noted the sharpness in her tone deepen. "We have a strong zero tolerance rule for fighting at this school. Being a bully or starting a fight is not allowed at all."

"I understand." Oliver's voice was low as if he was being chastised for the fight himself.

"That being said, I have spoken with Samantha as well as Mr. Douglas and Mr. Diggle who all witnessed the altercation. Mr. Douglas informed me that William was standing up for Samantha when she was being bullied by Kyle and his friends. He asked them to stop and told them he would tell the teacher if they didn't, which is what we always want our students to do. Samantha informed me that Kyle was the first one to throw a punch and that only occurred after she and William tried to walk away and go to the other side of the playground."

Oliver beamed with pride as he pieced together the scene. His son was trying to be a hero and protect his friend."

"Now we do not like students to fight even when they are provoked. With Kyle hitting him, William begins defending himself so I understand wanting to do that as well but still, fight is fight. As soon as William was able to move away, he should have. Instead he continues the fight to teach Kyle a lesson I assume. That will not be tolerated either. That is why I will be suspending William for three days. He will need to be back in class next Thursday and he is still responsible for his schoolwork he will miss. I have Mr. Douglas putting it together so that it can go home with you both. I would like you to speak to William and inform him what he did want to see him back in my office again, Mr. Queen."

"Of course, Miss Winters. I will discuss the whole fight with him and let him know that he should have walked away as soon as he could have and found a teacher to get help." Oliver grinned pleasingly, trying to hide and overwhelming pride he had in his son.

"Thank you Mr. Queen."

A knock on door drew their attention away from each other, Mr. Douglas stuck his head in the door. "I have the schoolwork out here for both of the boys."

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