Don't Be Upset

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Cooper's P.O.V

I threw and destroyed stuff in my room. I was mad. Really mad. First Cream's boyfriend comes to tell us he's taking Cream and now my dads aren't doing anything to stop him! Father doesn't even like Kai! THIS ISN'T FAIR! I kicked a ball into a wall that I had which left a mark. Frustrated, I sat on the ground, hugging my knees to my chest. For a second I only whimpered and had the occasional hiccup.

I was mad. And upset... Cream was my only best friend... What was I going to do all by myself? Suddenly I started crying more and more. I know my parents could probably hear me. But I didn't care. I didn't want to see anyone. I hid my face between my knees trying to release my emotions. As I relaxed a little bit, I heard the door barely creek open. I looked up.

Kai was at the door of my room standing there looking at me. "Go away." I growled and turned my back to him. I heard my door shut and I thought he left. But then I felt the presence come closer to me. "Go away I said!" I snapped. He sat down next to me and sighed. "Cooper... I don't want to take her away from you. I know she has a family... I wouldn't ever just steal her away! I know her family means everything to her. I wouldn't dream of taking her from the only family she has and knows." he told me.

This wasn't convincing me.  I huffed and looked away from him. "Why don't you go back to your own family! Get a different girlfriend!" I snapped. "Well... I would... But... I don't have any family to go to..." he said. My ears barely lifted as I turned around to see him better. "You don't?" He shook his head. "I don't have a mom. Or a dad. Or a brother. Or a sister. No aunts or uncles. No cousins or nieces or nephews. I don't have anyone Cooper." he said. "Which... is why I was so happy to meet someone like your sister." he added.

"I still don't see why you have to like her... she's our family! And you've come to ruin it! Besides... Cream told me you hurt her one time! How do I know you care about my sister?!" I snapped. His ears flattened and he sighed. "I... didn't mean to hurt her. I had a lot of things happen to me, Cooper. Some things... Some things that I'm humiliated by... The things that I'll never be able to tell Cream about. But I didn't hurt her intentionally. Cream knows that. We've got a better life coming for us." he went on. "Doesn't mean it'll be forever! My sister deserves better than a low life than you!"

Kai's expression changed. It wasn't angry but it wasn't sad either. He seemed... emotionless. "Out of everyone... I didn't expect you to tell me I didn't deserve Cream..." he said looking down at the ground. "Well... I didn't expect my sister to like a wolf loser."

"Cooper, I keep telling you, I love your sister! I have no reason to hurt her! Why are so resentful towards me?!" he cried coming somewhat closer. "'Cause I don't have anyone else!" I snapped. He looked at me confused. "But you have your cousins. And your dad's. And the rest of your family." he told me. "Yeah well... You try being the one that stands out from the rest of your family..." I sighed.

"You? Really?" he asked. "Yeah! I have anger issues... I hate school... I don't like anyone like- like relationship-wise! I remind some of my family members of this certain guy. I don't know... they say his name is Mephiles or something... All I know is... it makes my family scared of me. Everyone except Cream! She's the only one who isn't scared of me! You don't have anyone scared of you!" I snapped.

Kai seemed to be reluctant to answer me. "Cooper... I know it's hard for you. Trust me I have an idea of what you're going through. I know we haven't grown up in the same environment, but I've had a tough life too. Not everyone is excepting of me. I wish, but at the same time, it's probably not enough to understand each other completely. Although I know one thing is true. We both love Cream. I'd do anything for her. Please... I don't want her to feel guilty because you feel awful. And more importantly, I want you to be a part of my family. Especially since I've always been curious about having a little brother." he said.

My ears twitched as I turned to look at him. "You're joking." I said. He shrugged and smiled. "I have no reason to. I'm not lying Coop. I've got no other family other than Cream and her friends. So being a part of yours sounds pretty awesome!"

I smiled and actually faced him. "Yeah, I guess I am pretty awesome!" I chuckled. He laughed along with me. That's when we talked about a bunch of stuff. Turns out he likes the same comic books I do! Kai even likes baking the same way I do! Who knew he knew how to make cannolis. And to think I hated him so much. I mean... I was scared for a second... but maybe Cream will be in good hands after all.

"Kai... I'm really sorry. I don't know why I was so angry..." I sighed. Kai smiled softly and patted my back. "I get where you're coming from Cooper. It's okay. If I were you I probably would've been the same way. But, are you gonna be okay?" he asked. "With you marrying my sister? I will be! But! On one condition!"

"And what would that be?"

I waited for a minute, wondering if I even had a right. But I had to be bold. "Could I be your best man?" I asked softly. Kai looked shocked. "Oh... You wanna be my best man? Really?" he asked. "Yeah! If... If it's okay! To be honest, I wasn't going to push it because... I probably really hurt you after saying all of this. But if I can be there for you and Cream at your wedding, I want it to be something meaningful." I said.

He nodded and ruffled my head. "Sure kid. Sounds amazing!"

I just hope Cream is happy with you...

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