The End At Last

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Cream's P.O.V

Finally, I felt as if my life was complete. I have everything I could ever ask for.

I had a wonderful mother who loved me even in death. Someone who never gave up on me even in her weakest moments. She opened my eyes to the world around me, introducing me to love.

I have a huge loving family that forever had my back. A family that wasn't going anywhere without me.

I have two best friends that would walk to the ends of the Earth with me... Or at least cause some chaos! One was creative, smart, and caring. The other was fun, energetic, and loving.

I have a father that supported for through the bad and the good. The one that modeled who I was supposed to be. Someone who I taught about love, then in return, we both earned love.

I have a little brother who puts me before himself. Yet he allows himself to be vulnerable with me. In turn, we heal each other. The past that brought us pain soon led us to a better future.

I have beauty and brains that helped me progress to get a better life for myself and those around me who want to be in my life.

I have someone who loves me like no one else ever has. He cares and cherishes me no matter how grumpy or cranky I am. I couldn't ask for anyone better than him. The love of my life was going to be there for me forever.

Now... I have three beautiful children who call me momma.

The first one we named Mace. It was Kai's father's name and wanted his oldest son to have something to carry on his father's memory. He was sweet, a little rebellious, energetic, and cared deeply for his little brother and sister. He was just like Kai.

The second one we named Kyle. He was energetic and always put a smile on my face when I needed it. He seemed to be a little shy but otherwise, he lit up a whole room. He and his little sister were two peas in a pod. Yet he would always wrestle and play with his older brother, endlessly along with their father.

The third one we named Hazel Maria. I gave her my mother's middle name. But I also gave her Shadow's long-lost friend's name. She was small compared to her older brothers. But that didn't stop her from chasing after them and wrestling with them. Although I have to admit, Kai was very protective of her. I think now he understands why Shadow was so protective of me! She was smart, bright, and adorable, and she reminds me a lot of my own mom.

Together they were just so adorable! They always looked out for each other. Today they're still learning to take their first steps and beginning to learn their first words. But along with Tails' and Charmy's baby, Frost, they're coming along quite fast. Frost was bright, playful, and loving, just like his parents who cherished him deeply.

My life felt so complete with everyone now in my life. We have no more worries other than making sure all our kids don't run off without us.

Cooper was a great Uncle to my little kids who loved him with the big hearts that they have. He taught them about comic book heroes and basketball. He was their big brother in a way. I loved the way he told them stories or held them gently in his arms.

Shadow and Sonic are great grandpas to my kids by always spoiling them. Shadow took all four of them on a motorcycle ride which about gave Tails and I had a heart attack seeing him go so fast with all of them clinging onto him. At least they were smiling the whole time.

Everyone else was doing great building up their own families. And before I knew it, my nieces and nephews would begin their own journey to start the wonderful lives that I know were waiting for them. I couldn't quite believe that this was my life now. I was so happy that I wasn't alone in this world!

The necklace my mother gave me a long time ago before she passed still hung around my neck. I often thought about my mom whenever I looked down at it. It reminded me of all the things life that I had accomplished over the years ever since I was just a little kid. Now that I see everything that I have now, I know any pain we ever went through was all just to the bright side of the world I live in now.

My life is great as it is. There's nothing I would change about it... ever. I'm grateful now that I get to move forward with my own little family.

"Come on you three! You can do it!" I sat on my knees in the flower field I had been to so many times. My three kids were finally learning how to walk on their two feet. I held out my arms open to urge them to come to me.

All three of them stood up from the ground looking at me with their bright eyes. Together they got up on their little paws and stumbled over to me. I laughed happily as they all tackled me playfully, giggling as they did so. "I'm so proud of you!" I cheered as they all snuggled into me to feel my love. They made their cute little noises and giggles while holding onto me.

I looked up to the sky wondering what my mother would think of me now. "Mom... I miss you so much. But I hope you know... that because of you, so many good things happened in our lives. Thank you for giving me a life so I could have your grandchildren! I miss you more than anyone in my life... along with Grandpa of course! I hope you're both doing great. I'll be sure to keep our families growing!"

The sun was starting to get closer to disappearing. I looked behind me to see my husband walking up behind me with a smile. "Are you ready to head home?" he asked me calmly. I nodded my head while handing over two of our kids to him. "I'm ready." I grabbed his hand softly, rubbing my thumb against his knuckles. Then as I have been doing for years now, I walked home, flower petals still in my fur, and the scent of honey in the air.


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