Chapter 2-The First Check-up

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Friday July 24, 2020, 1:00 PM

Penny was just finishing putting on the babies' outfits. They were each in a red onesie, Ava's had a circled "Twin 1", in the black, on it and Avery's had circled "Twin 2". Penny had picked them out because she thought it was funny the two would look like Thing 1 and Thing 2 in The Cat in the Hat. And while her and Leonard could tell the difference because of their moles, these made it easier to distinguish who was who, when the moles weren't readily visible.

Leonard was cleaning up the kitchen sink area, where they had given the twins a bath and Louie was straightening up and refilling the changing table in the bedroom and the supplies in the living room. Leonard walked out to the living room and picked up Avery. He was smiling at her and bouncing her up and down.

"You ready to start packing things up and get ready to take them out on their first outing?" Penny asked.

"Yeah, I am." Leonard said, who then squinted and touched noses with the baby. "The past month has flown by, hasn't it?"

"It sure has." Penny said. "I just wish they would have stayed on the same sleeping schedule as each other."

Leonard chuckled. "Yeah, so do I. Now, we can't even get them to stay asleep together. Louie has been so helpful."

"Yes, it's been so great having Louie." Penny said.

Louie came walking up with a smile. "Did I hear my name and nice things said about me?"

"Yeah, we were just commenting on how great it's been with you around to help us." Leonard said.

Louie chuckled. "I seem to remember a couple thinking they only needed me for a few hours each day."

Penny and Leonard looked sheepishly.

"Yeah, we thought wrong." Penny said. "I don't know what we would have done without you here the last month. Thank you."

"You are welcome." Louie said. "But, I think you would have made it through. You haven't done so badly yourself."

"Not as well as we did with you." Leonard said. She fit right in with us. Gentle sarcasm; quick-witted, funny comments; and gentle with the twins; just like Penny and I. "But, it's time to get them into the car. That's fifteen minutes right there, as is getting them out. And, with a 2 PM appointment, we need to go now."

With that, Penny and Leonard took one baby each out to the car in their carriers. Louie carried the bag with diapers and cleaning materials, along with an extra outfit for each of them. She puts the bag between the two car seats and then Leonard and Penny each put the baby they were holding in one of the car seats. After getting them in, Leonard carefully backed out of the garage and headed to the doctor's office for their one-month check-up.

Friday July 24, 2020, 2:05 PM

Leonard and Penny had checked in and, along with the twins, were in the waiting room. Ava was being fussy and was softly crying. Penny knew she couldn't be hungry, she had eaten just a half hour ago, so she checked her diaper. It was clean and dry so Penny picked her up and gently rocked her in her arms, while she hummed softly and Ava settled down.

Dr. Rose came out and called out and called their names and the two got up and followed Dr. Rose back to his office. They put the carriers on the examination table, where Dr. Rose had pointed. His nurse came in and took Ava out of her carrier and puts her on the scale, noted her weight, and measured her length. She then puts the first twin back into her carrier before weighing and measuring the second one. She wrote something on the chart, showing it to Dr. Rose before whispering something to him, and then left.

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