Chapter 48-Back to the Future

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It is now the following day and today Kara actually wakes up after Lena, which is a unusual. As Kara wakes up though, she sees Lena, out of bed, standing over one of their sets of drawers, which also has a mirror of the top of it, just looking at her reflection, while rubbing her back. From this, Kara can tell that something is up with her wife.

"Lee?" Kara says, in a soft voice, to signal she is awake, and to get Lena's attention.

Lena turns her head slightly, and shoots Kara a small smile.

"Morning, darling." Lena says.

"Is everything okay?" Kara asks, as she gets out of bed and walks over to Lena. "It's a bit strange for me to wake up after you. I mean, you usually get up before me, but that's only because I wake up first and just lie there with you."

"I know you do, darling." Lena says, as she tilts her head backwards, and allows Kara to take her in for a morning kiss, while Kara stands behind her.

"Then, what's up?" Kara asks.

"It's my back." Lena says.

"Your back?" Kara asks.

"Yeah, I woke up and it was just really hurting. So, I've had to stand up and that has been helping a bit." Lena says.

"Is everything okay? You didn't hurt yourself, and your back yesterday, did you?" Kara asks, now with concern in her voice.

"No darling." Lena says, with a chuckle, bit only because Kara was the one severely hurt yesterday, and now she is worrying that she was hurt.

"Then... what happened? Did you just lay wrong or something... I thought you wouldn't have that with you becoming a Kryptonian." Kara says, still in a confused voice.

"No, darling." Lena says. "I think it's just the pregnancy. This belly obviously just puts extra weight on my back, so I can't really get pressure off my back, both when laying down, and when standing up."

"Oh..." Kara says.

Kara now glances in the mirror, as she stands behind Lena, and she sees that her wife's belly has got a lot bigger recently, enough where there is literally nothing Lena could do to hide she's pregnant at this point. Then, even with that, Kara knows that Lena's belly will still probably grow about a third more of the size it is now. Thinking that, Kara feels bad for Lena, that she will have to go through the aches and pains of pregnancy.

"I'm sorry to hear that, Lee." Kara says.

"It's okay. It's not your fault. Lena says. "I imagine many other pregnant women go through much worse aches and pains throughout their pregnancy. I'm lucky, I guess."

"Yeah." Kara nods, while she continues to look at Lena's reflection, while still standing behind her wife. That is when Kara gets an idea. "Actually, do you mind if I try something, that might help?"

"Uhhh what?" Lena asks.

"Let me show you." Kara says.

"Okay." Lena nods.

Kara moves her arms so they are either side of Lena, around her waist, and then places her hands on Lena's pregnancy belly, near the bottom of it. Once Kara does this, she gently begins to lift Lena's belly, only a few inches, but just enough so that Lena's back no longer feels the weight of her belly. Upon Kara doing this, Lena let's out a moan that could easily be mistaken for a sexual moan, while tilting her head back, so it's pressing against Kara's front, and closing her eyes.

"This good?" Kara asks, with a smile, as she continues to hold Lena's belly.

"Yes... don't stop." Lena says, in a breathy voice.

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