Chapter 49-The First Step

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It is now a bit later, and over the last hour Barry has returned, alone, from the future, and a few minutes after that he went back to his own Earth with Cisco, but not before, once more, telling Kara to let him know if she ever needs any help. Right now though, everyone is just getting ready, washed and showered and everything. The adults know they all need to make a plan, as it's not like they can just all continue to live at Kara and Lena's new home. They need to do something about Reign.

Eventually, once everyone is ready, Lillian and Elizabeth take Ava and Morgan outside to play, while Kara, Lena, J'onn, Alex, and Winn all gather together, to see what they can do. Winn joined the group a few minutes ago specifically to talk about what they are going to do next. The only other person in the house is Ruby, and Alex has left her daughter upstairs, to continue to be by herself. Alex does want to do this meeting quickly though, so she can be back with Ruby as soon as possible.

"Alright. Let's

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