Chapter 43-The Equine Paradigm

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"I can't enjoy this a lot more now that we're not doing it to build a baby." Penny said that night, sighing and pulling a strand of hair away from her eyes.

She took several deep breaths, rolling on her side to rest a hand on Leonard's chest.

"Inhale, exhale." Penny said, teasingly.

"Oh yeah, like you've caught your breath already." He said pointedly.

Penny smiled, scooting closer to him.

"I could get real used to you kissing my stomach like that." She said, placing his hand below her rib cage and resting her own upon it.

"Well, I want our baby to know that it's loved." Leonard said.

"And making it feel included when we have sex is an appropriate way to do that?" Penny asked.

"All of the books say the baby is not aware of anything we do! Especially not at this stage, it's just a little embryo."

"I know." Penny said, smiling.

She looked up at the ceiling and let's out a contented sigh.

"It's just." She said, shaking her head and tugging the covers down so her stomach, completely flat, was visible. "Wow." She glanced at Leonard, and they smiled at each other. "I can't believe this finally happened." She said, shaking her head slowly. "We're going to be parents. We're going to be Mom and Dad."

"We already are, technically." Leonard pointed out.

"Wow." Penny said again in wonderment. She placed both hands flat against her skin. "I feel like I should look different already. Or feel different. It just seems so weird that on the outside I look the same on the inside..."

"You don't look the same." Leonard said,  rolling his head to the side to see her better.

Penny frowned. "If you're already calling me fat, then you're in for a hell of a rude awakening."

"No." Leonard shifted his weight and puts on his glasses. "That's not what I meant at all. I meant..." He moved his finger from the felt to the right in emphasis. "The exact opposite of that."

Penny cocked her head, her hair dropping to the other side. "So this is one of those 'I'm in love and she's pregnant so she just looks gorgeous to me' things? Because it's going to take me some time to figure out how I feel about that, you know, the whole debate over 'is it too cheesy' or 'is it adorably sweet.' Honesty, I'm leaning toward not cheesy because I don't want this to be one bit like those movies or shows, they overuse every already clichéd storyline in the book, and..."

Leonard laughed.

"No. Don't." He warned when she puts on a hurt look. "First, we're not scripted so I doubt any of that is going to happen. And what I mean is for the last year, even when we were happy, you always had that slight edge to you. You never quite relaxed, never quite looked completely happy, no matter if it was a good day or not. You always looked a little tired, a little drawn, and your eyes were just carrying this angst." He lazily ran his fingers through her hair. "Now you like a huge weight's been lifted. You're completely relaxed. You look happy, and it doesn't look like you're just trying to be at all. You just are. And your eyes are happy. That weight is just... well, it's gone."

"Yep." Penny said. "Went right off my shoulders and into my uterus!" She frowned. "God, that word sounds awful, doesn't it?"

Leonard laughed. She repositioned so could cuddle up against him.

"Uterus." Penny said again, wrinkling her nose. "That is a terrible word. I like 'womb' better. I'm going to use 'womb'."

She let's out a breath and cuddled closer to Leonard again. Then she felt his chest shake, and she looked at him in alarm before she realized that he was laughing.

"What?" Penny asked.

"Build - A - Baby." He said, snickering. "I'm sorry, that's just funny to me."

Penny giggled and curled back up next to him. "Night, Dad."

"So do you know what's wrong with Amy?" Bernadette asked, coming over to Penny's section of the restaurant and sitting down.

"No." Penny said. "I haven't seen her in two days. And shouldn't you be a work?"

The former restaurant employee ignored that question.

"Apparently, well, according to Sheldon who told Leonard's mother who's conversation was overheard by Leonard who told Howard who told me, who is telling you..." Bernadette stopped for a breath. "Amy has holed herself up in her apartment and is doing research that is apparently unrelated to her field. She will not tell anyone what she is doing and it is bothering Sheldon immensely."

"Are you sure she just didn't get absorbed into you?" Penny asked. "With those long ass sentences of yours."

Bernadette smiled. "I'm just worried about her, it actually seems like something is bothering her and nothing ever bothers Amy. It reminds me of when she stressed out over you when we thought you could be sick."

"Well, I'm not sick now." Penny said. "But I guess that behavior is a little odd." She looked at the clock. "I'm off in ten, maybe I'll go over there and see what's going on."

"Sheldon said that she's not letting anyone in because it may distract her from whatever the hell she's doing." Bernadette said.

Penny raised an eyebrow. "Bernadette, it's me."

"Ah." Bernadette nodded. "Good point." She stopped and studied Penny for a moment. "This probably sounds odd, but you look really good today."

Penny smiled. She felt really good too, and how could she not. Leonard's child was with her. But

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