Life After Death-Part 2

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You open your eyes to see the world around you is much different to how is was moments ago. The sky was no longer blue with white clouds but was filled with a crimson red, and there was no trace of the sun to be seen. You look around to see multiple demon like people walking around you. 

Y/N: OOF! 

A small individual walks over your body as your laying down on the sidewalk. You look up to see a group of three red demonic figures and a wolf-like person passing by in your direction. As you hold your stomach from the pain you could just overhear their conversation as they kept walking.  

?????: Geez, there's so many homeless people around here. Well, at least that's more for me to get a kick out of. 

?????: Sir, you should at least say sorry to him. 

?????: Eh, you do that for me then.

?????: No, because you should be the one taking responsibility. Uggggghhhh, here take this. Sorry for my bosses behavior from earlier.......

The group of individuals you came across were moving farther and farther away from you. You were handed twenty dollars, did he think you were some random homeless person? You look at the money you were given and got a deathly glare from a guy across the street from you, he was holding a cardboard cut out with the words Satan bless written on it. You stand up to your feet and brush off your clothes. You decided to start walking around the area and get some insight of where you're currently at. You come across a few fliers posted on a window to a store. "Get your supplies before the extermination! Hell's annual purge is around the corner!" "Come see Verosika Mayday's live stage performance, best shows being held in the lust ring! Get your tickets now!" "Spring break! Victim 50% off!" The last flier had a children's drawing of a bunch of horses all over the page and for some reason a drawing of the exact same person who walked over you from earlier. It seemed odd like running into a run away prisoner without knowing until you hear the report on the news. The only information you could take from it were the words "Hell" and "lust ring". You moved on and continued walking around the streets. It seemed pretty obvious you were no longer on earth, but to think you were in hell was bit of a stretch. You started getting hungry and decided to look for a place to eat. You came across a mall and was amazed by how massive it was. It was a four floored mall that was easily two times longer that the ones back on earth. Navigating your way around this entire thing without any guidance would be exhausting, luckily you spotted a board that had maps of the entire mall. You walked over and took one to check out the different sections that seemed interesting to you. A part of the map showed a small food court with a nearby café, luckily it was on the ground floor. You made your way over to the designated area and waited in line at the café. You stared up at the menu and saw a wide variety selection of ice cream, popsicles, pastries, coffee, and juices. When it was your turn, you ordered a medium size cookies and cream flavored ice cream cone with a strawberry Danish and a bottle of orange juice. You left the café with your order and kept on walking through the different parts of the mall. You sat down at a bench close by and ate your ice cream cone. Off in the distance, you saw someone crying on another bench across from you, a small gut feeling was telling you to go over to the person. You got up from where you sat and made your way over to them. When you got a closer look of the person, you saw they had white feathers and wore a pink dress with a long black skirt that touched the ground. Some of the other accessories they had was a small gold crown and black arm sleeves that went up to their elbows. You sat next to them on the bench and tried speaking to them. 

Y/N: Hey, are you doing alright?

The individual looked up at you while wiping their tears. 

??????: No, why do you ask?

Y/N: You just seemed like someone worth keeping company. Here, you can have this.

You give them your strawberry Danish you got from the café earlier. They looked at you with slight hesitation but accepted it. They took a small bite from the pastry and seemed to enjoy the small treat they were given. A smile lightly grew on their face as they took another bite.

Y/N: So what's your name?

The person looked up to you in question. 

?????: My name?

You nod your head to them.

?????: My name is Stella Goetia. 

Y/N: I'm y/n. 

Stella: Oh. well that's a lovely name for you to have. 

Y/N: So what seems to be bothering you? 

Stella tilts her head, she's never met anyone who was ever concerned for her sake. 

Stella: I'm just having a rough day I suppose. I'm...fine really. 

She was still wiping away the tears that were falling from her cheek. 

Y/N: From the looks of it, you don't look fine at all. Hey, do you want to walk around to take things off your mind for a bit?

Stella: That sounds wonderful. 

You and Stella get some thing to eat at the food court and check out some of the different stores around the mall and visit every floor possible. You both picked out some souvenirs to take home with you. Eventually, the both of you leave the mall and walk around a park nearby. Around were a bunch of demons and imp families hanging out together and talking amongst themselves. The setting wasn't too different from how it was back on earth, everyone was enjoying themselves like they were normal people. 

Y/N: Apart from the fact the sky being red, everything stills feels the same. 

Stella: So i presume you're a sinner?

Y/N: A sinner?

Stella: People who are sent here for committing sins after they die. Everyone who dies is judged by heaven and deemed whether or not they enter heaven or go to hell. 

Y/N: Huh, i never knew that.

Stella: It sounds like you've just passed away recently if I'm correct?

Y/N: I guess so, i woke up on the sidewalk. 

Stella: i am curious to what a person much like yourself could've done to end up here?

Y/N: What do you mean?

Stella: Well, you seem like a kind gentleman who woul.......

As Stella goes on to explain her thoughts, you notice a small imp charging towards you both with a knife. You look at the ground and see a coin lying just infront of you. You wait for the imp to get within range and quickly back kick the imp while bending over to pick the coin up off the ground. Stella was only able to see you reach the ground for something and stand back up. You carry on walking beside Stella. 

Stella: .......its never really like anyone to be so generous, especially here in hell. 

Y/N: Yeah I can somewhat see that. Its kind of getting late, do you want me to walk you home?

Stella: Yes please. 

The two of you start heading back, the sky doesn't seem to rest but time is still consecutive in hell. You both arrive in front of the gates to a large palace like structure that had pillars at every corner. Stella says her goodbyes and starts walking to the front door. 

Stella: It was nice meeting you Y/N, thank you for your time.

Y/N: You too, have a goodnight.

You start walking back and are now stuck with one problem.

Y/N: How am I gunna find a place to sleep?

As stella makes it inside, she lays her back on the front door and holds her hands over her heart. She smiles to herself and closes her eyes. 

Octavia: Someone looks happy today.

Stella quickly opened her eyes to see Octavia watching her at the foot of the stairs. She starts blushing from embarrassment as Octavia giggles a bit. 

Octavia: So, whose the new guy?.....................................

Stella Goetia X Male Reader: The Lost Reaper (HelluvaBoss)Where stories live. Discover now