The Forbidden Grimoires-Part 11

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The pinkish white feathered owl began to wake up. Stella got out of bed and opened the curtains, letting the skylight shine into her bedroom. She looked over to you still asleep. She sat on bed and leaned over to plant a small peck on your cheek while gently rubbing your head.

Stella: Goodmorning Y/N.

Y/N: *Yawn* Goodmorning Stella.

There was a knock on the bedroom door.

Stella: Come in.

The doors opened as two imps walked into the room pushing carts of food. They both circled around both sides of the bed and set a small wooden bed tray table over your lap. The imps placed the plates of food onto the bed tray table and the utensils. In front of you was a canadian style breakfast, which had three small pancakes, eggs, sausages, and bacon. You both thanked the imps for delivering the breakfast to you so you could eat it in bed. It felt like something a king would experience in the medieval times. You began to dig into the breakfast. After you finished eating, you put your plate and utensils on the cart for the imps to collect later on. You went to take a shower before getting dressed for work. Stella went downstairs to catch up on some work of hers now that she has some time away from cooking. You went to check up on everyone in the palace and saw the five butlers getting rearranged and fitted for their new duties and assessments by pringles, Octavia was still crashed out on her bed, the chefs in the kitchen were prepping small appetizers, and the raven was picking at the lock on the grimoire.

Y/N: What are you trying to do?

??????: *Ive been at this all night long and i still havent gotten it open yet. It looks like some type of key is needed to unlock it.* Croak!

Y/N: Have you tried prying it open with your scythe?

??????: *Yes, but its too large for the keyhole in the lock. I tried breaking the chains with force but to no prevail. There's a strong spell making the chains on this book indestructible.* Croak!

Y/N: Well good luck on getting it open. Ill be going to work now.

You exited the room the raven was occupying in.

??????: *Hmmmmm, wait this looks like...hey Y/N!! I think i found out what the key is. Its....oh he left. I guess ill have to wait until he gets home.....OW!!! Why?? Why do you do this to me every time you see me?* Croak!

The axolotl and leopard gecko stared blankly as they had a lock of feathers in their mouth. They casually walk away leaving the raven in annoyance.

??????: *I can't live in peace around those two.* Croak!


Blitz was walking into work with a smile on his face.

Blitz: Guys, guess what i got!

Moxxie: A brain that shpuld be classified as nonexistent.

Blitz: Ho good one Mox, but no i got the grimoire back!

Loona: You fuck stolas finally? After dodging him for a few days?

Blitz: What? No, it was Y/N.

Loona: You fucked Y/N??

Blitz: Nooo, he just gave me the grimiore. That was it.

Loona: Wait, then what happened to stolas?

Moxxie: Why would Y/N be a holder of the grimiore?

Blitz: He said something about him getting all of stolas's shit.

Millie: What's been happening with stolas for the past week?

Stella Goetia X Male Reader: The Lost Reaper (HelluvaBoss)Where stories live. Discover now