The Messenger-Part 8

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You emptied out your dresser drawers and laid your clothes out on your bed. You folded up your clothes and moved them into the pulley suitcase you bought at the local store. You zipped up the suit case before making your way to the front door, where pringles was waiting. You both leave the small apartment and march onwards to the new home you weren't expecting to soon live in. As the both of you were walking down the street, you were called at by an imp who was running down the street to you both. 

???????: Hey, wait up a sec!

You stopped after seeing the slightly familiar imp while pringles continued walking. 

???????: Aren't you that kid who was walking with Stolas's wife at the mall?

The raven flew to your shoulder, flapping its wings as a threat display towards the imp. 

???????: AHHH!! Its back!!

Y/N: Yes i am, and i assumed you also know the raven very deeply. I hope he gave you a warm welcome from last time's encounter. And you are?

??????: Blitz. He didn't actually. 

Y/N: And that confirms youre the imp i was told about that railed Stella's husband.

Blitz: Its just a transactional thing.

Y/N: I beg it differ. 

Pringles: Sir Y/N, we must get going. 

Y/N: Just a moment, what is it your stopping me for?

Blitz: I want to apologize. 

Y/N: To who?

Blitz: To stolas's wife. 

Y/N: I dont think that would be possible. 

Blitz: Why not? 

Y/N: Its best if she didnt see the man who her husband fonds over. 

Blitz: But could you atleast tell her for me?

Y/N: I could try, but i might forget some things here and there. 

??????: *Let me sort this out.* Croak!

Y/N: *What are you going to do?*

???????: *Like how i conveyed your memories to her father, ill simply use the same method .*

Y/N: *Okay.*

You held out your hand and the raven flew to your palm. 

Y/N: Hold him. 

Blitz: What!? Are you crazy? 

Y/N: Just hold him, he wont bite unless you give him a reason to. 

Blitz carefully held out his hands and the raven jumped across the small gap. The raven stared at blitz, waiting for his response. 

???????: *You should tell him to say his peace. I dont know how long i could bare being held by him. Im scared to know where his hands have been.* Croak!

Y/N: Go ahead. 

Blitz: What do i just talk to the bird?

Y/N: Yes. 

Blitz: Well okay, here it goes.............

[30 Minutes Later]

You and pringles finally arrived at Stella's palace. You set your suitcase by the front door and saw that pringles continued walking. 

Y/N: Where are you heading to pringles?

Pringles: To your room, to drop off your luggage. 

Y/N: Oh there's no need.

Stella Goetia X Male Reader: The Lost Reaper (HelluvaBoss)Where stories live. Discover now