A Date With Stella-Part 13

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You and loona were sat together at a table within the cafe you used to work at.

Loona: Hey Y/N.

Y/N: Yeah what is it?

Loona: Could you do me a favor?

Y/N: Sure, as long as its within my ability.

Loona: Could you see what's going on with blitz. He's been acting all sappy and down ever since he got back from doing something for stolas. Its not like im worried about him or anything, it just kinda feels a bit off for blitz to be like that.

Y/N: Do you know what happened between them both?

Loona: Not a whole lot. But when i asked him about it, he said that some bullshit led to stolas bringing up the idea that he thought blitz was in love with him.

Y/N: And how did that turn out?

Loona: Not too good from the looks of it. Relationships, love interests, he's pretty much kept secrets to himself about these things. The only girlfriend i know he was with was a chick called verosika mayday. They aren't together anymore, obviously. I heard her mention something when they were arguing in the parking lot. Like blitz was too good to be with her or he only gotta kick outa of plowing verosika. Ya think you can go off of that?

Y/N: Um, i guess ill see what i could do. Seeya later.

Loona: Seeya.

You got up from your seat and left the cafe. Loona was in thought after you were gone.

Loona: Kinda wonder what its like  to be stella....having a guy like him.

You had to figure out the story behind what made blitz end the couple's relationship. You decided to stop by the IMP headquarters. When you entered the workplace, you saw moxxie and millie working endlessly on submitting and filing paperwork.

Y/N: Hey Mox.

Moxxie: Morning Y/N.

Y/N: Do you know if blitz is busy?

Moxxie: He's....not in a very good mood currently. He's been falling behind on paperwork and had us take care of it.

Y/N: Something's definitely got him stressed out.

Millie: Thats for sure.

Y/N: Is he in his office?

Moxxie: You'll find him in the meeting room. He hasn't left ever since this morning.

Y/N: Alright, thanks.

You walked over to one of the doors around the workplace that had a sheet of paper taped to it. It read meeting in progress. You gave a few quiet knocks on the door.

Blitz: Not right now mox.

You opened the door to see blitz lying on the meeting table.

Y/N: Its Y/N, actually.

Blitz: Oh hey Y/N.

Y/N: Ya think you got a minute?

Blitz: Sure what is it?

Y/N: Loona wanted me to check up on you. You doing alright?

Blitz: Im fine. Just having a shitty day.

Y/N: More like a week. What's got you so caught up in the mood?

Blitz: Just some shit that happened yesterday with stolas. Its nothing worth talking about.

Y/N: I know that but, you gotta find a way to get over whatever it is thats bothering you though.

Blitz: And what do you propose? Its not like you know what im going through.

Stella Goetia X Male Reader: The Lost Reaper (HelluvaBoss)Where stories live. Discover now