Chapter 1

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Y/n's POV

I am breathing heavy, my breath showing in the cold winter air, as I run as quietly as i can through the woods.  As of right now my destination is a little town a few miles from Hot Springs, Arkansas. The backpack that is on my back is starting to get heavy after the long journey I've had from Missouri down to Arkansas in the cold.

After the long journey I finally make it to the town I have been traveling to. I crouch behind a building as a small hoard of 5 about zombies lurch by, taking out my ax. The blade slices the neck easily as i take the head of one zombie clean off. It being at the back of the group, slacking behind of the others, made it a silent kill. I had a gun that i could've blasted their heads off with but i am saving ammo as a last resort if I get cornered or run into other survivors who aren't friendly. I pick off another two zombies before the remaining brainless creatures realize what has happened to their comrades. They start to lurch towards me but i bring my leg up kicking one in the chest causing the rickety creature to tumble to the ground, while I simultaneously swinging the ax to the head of the other one. the zombie on the ground struggles to try and crawl to me but before it gets close i send it's head rolling just like I had the others. Leaving the now dead, undead creatures in a heap on the ground, I head to search the now long abandoned buildings around me. Most of them were old restaurants, apartment building and random stores that had been forgotten. I noted a small grocery store that would be most similar to that of a small Walmart.  I would go and search it after I nabbed a good place to lay low for a few days.  As I look around, studying my surrounding, I spy an old hotel and what looked like it could have been an apartment building. first I check the small hotel. I only found one zombie as I went through it, but all of the beds were either torn to bits or moldy from all of the leaks in the ceilings and the walls were covered in mold and dust as well . Next I checked the apartment building a few blocks down. This time there was no zombies. As I pass by open doors to long deserted apartments I peer inside each, to see if there is anything useful. Most of them had little more than papers, trash, broken furniture and the occasional bare skeletons of both human and animals, spread across the hard wood and tile floors.

After climbing the rubble of the now collapsed stairs to the floors above me, I am astounded to see a hall of doors that are steel reinforced, almost like a bunker doors, like people who used to live here had been ready for the apocalypse.
There are a few of these doors that were left ajar. The ones that were open were mostly bare minus some trash in the floors. The last door there was to try, was locked. instead of compromising the integrity of the door by attempting to kicking it in and causing a lot of noise, I pull out my lock picking kit and got to work. In less then a minute the lock clicks and the door knobs releases. Opening the door I'm expecting lots of mold and trash everywhere like most of the other apartments, but I am pleasantly surprised to find a neatly furnished apartment. it was a little dusty from not having been lived in for a while but other then that seemed to be fine. I walk in closing and locking the door behind me before I go to search the place. There was two bedrooms, a bathroom, a living room, and a kitchen/dining area. One room looked like it belonged to a teen boy while the other looked like it belonged to a women, or a very neat man with a liking of floral patterns, who am I to judge?

After making sure everything was clear of any unwanted bull shit. I set my stuff down on the counter taking only an empty backpack my gun and my ax. I leave the apartment, locking it back and making my way to the store that I had noted earlier.

Apocalyptic Love (Ranboo X Reader) Zombie Apocalypse  AU Where stories live. Discover now