Chapter 4

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I know the picture doesn't match the story it's just an aesthetic picture I liked deal with it💚

Ranboo's POV

Y/n seems to be a very kind and sweet person, while still being able to be bad ass and very intelligent. Just in the few hours that I had known them, they had taught me several neat tricks about surviving. Right now y/n and I sit together on one of the mattresses, while Tommy and Tubbo lay sleeping on the other. Y/n had offered to take first watch since she still had a lot of energy and it was obvious that Tom and Toby were exhausted. She kept on insisting that she could keep watch on her own and that I could go to sleep if I wanted but, I would rather learn more about them.

"So where are you heading to?" I ask softly as not to wake up Tom and Toby. Y/n is sitting criss-cross- applesauce at the foot of the mattress while sharpening their knives.

"I really didn't have any place in mind. I'm just going where ever my heart leads me I guess. What about y'all?" She answers looking up through her hair before returning to sharpening her things.

"Oh, we are heading to a friend of ours from before the zombies, who has started to re build. He's got a little community set up." I answered

"How'd y'all hear about that? I thought all communication had cut out months ago?" She raised her head, stopping what she was doing and giving me her full attention.

"They had been, he managed to make a communication system from an old radio and computer. We kept a long distance military radio that worked. One day when Tommy was messing with it out of boredom, it picked up Clay, our friend's, signal. Anyway he told us what he had managed to accomplish and told us to head that way and that we could stay there." I explain

"How long have you been traveling and where are y'all headed, I may be able to get y'all there faster." They offer.

"We've been walking this way for over 5 months from Las Angeles trying to get to Orlando. We kept on getting lost or turned around." I admitted, with a small chuckle.

"Oh, we'll I have a more recent map that might help, here let me show you." They stand up gesturing for me to follow them. We step through the blankets of the 'fort' and into the kitchen area. Once getting to her bag, they dig through it and pull out a compass and a few large maps. One map of the states highway, she spreads out and the other stays folded up beside us. She points to a mile marker on the map.
"We are around this area here, close to hot springs, Orlando is... about... right there," she searches and then points to a spot down on the Florida."she studies the map closely form a second before speaking up again "Looks like the fastest and easiest way to Orlando would probably be to follow I-4." She says as she drags her finger down a highlighted line on the map.

"Hm, how long would that take though?" I ask astonished by her knowledge of the areas around her.

"Hmmm, probably almost 2 months by foot, maybe more? That's if we only travel by day, with no bad weather and none of us get sick or injured. I know of several small towns along the way that we could probably find a good place to camp out and search for resources in between traveling."

"How do you know so much about the geography out here? We kept on getting turned around." I ask curiously.

"I grew up moving from state to state and back again. My dad was in the army and my mom went wherever he did. I was just along for the ride, but I remember a lot of the landscaping because of it. My dad was a big survivalist so he taught me a lot of things on the few occasions that he remembered that he had a child at home raising themself." She says with a shrug. I'm silent not knowing what to say to that. Suddenly we hear the blanket insulating the sleeping area, being ruffled. Tom appears and speaks.

"What are y'all talking about?" He whispers as he walks over sluggishly, leaving Tubbo still asleep in the living room.

"Y/n may be able to help us get to Clay. They know a lot of the landscape and they are obviously good at surviving." I inform Tom. He nods.

"But are you up for it? Don't you have family or friends that your already looking for?" Tommy asks y/n. She shakes here head.

"No, I don't have any family left they died when I was like 13 and I never had any friends because I moved around a lot. So yeah, I'm up for it. At least that gives me a destination, instead of just going where ever."
"Oh, I'm sorry." Tommy apologize.

"I wasn't close to them so don't be, that was a long time ago." Tubbo suddenly speaks from the opening to the living room, making us all jump.
"So you'll help us get to Orlando?" Tubbo asks hopefully.

"Of course. I have nothing else to do and y'all seem pretty cool so yeah." They agree, I fist pump the air in excitement. Y/n chuckles at me while shaking her head.

"I was going to lay low here for a few days. Get rested up and chill. We can discuss a plan of action tomorrow when the sun is up and we can see outside." She yawns " y'all's turn for watch." She tells  Tom and  Tubbo with a sleepy smile. I was beginning to get tired myself so I turned in as well.

Tom and Tubbo sat back on their mattress wrapping up in their shared blanket to combat the chill. Y/n and I wrapped up in separate blankets and curl up together on the other mattress making sure to leave plenty of space between us, before both of us nod off.

Here's the update for the week! As always if you have bench trio oneshot requests please leave them in the comments or dm me! Also I am thinking of starting another oneshot book for my hero academia since I'm starting to get into watching some animes lol. Anyway see y'all next Friday for the next chapter! 💚💚💚

Apocalyptic Love (Ranboo X Reader) Zombie Apocalypse  AU Where stories live. Discover now