Chapter 17

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Y/n's POV:

"Okay hun you're all ready! You seem to know how to take care of yourself! You've got to be the most healthy person to have stumbled in here. Anyways here is your new suit of cloths for you to wear when you get done showering. There is soap already in the stalls, towels and washcloths are on a shelf as you enter the shower area. We will get these cloths of yours washed and they will be waiting in your room when they are clean. Come find me when you are done and I'll lead you to your next pitstop. " Ms. Sue rambles as she leads me clad in a hospital gown to the shower area. We had just gotten done with my physical. I just nod and walk into the showers.

When I turned on the water I was expecting it to be ice cold but to my surprise it was hot. After I hung my towel on the hook on the outside of the stall I step under the water. It felt nice, the hot water rolling over my body, warming my slightly chilled frame. I can't even remember the last time I was even able to take a bath, it had only in the last few days been warm enough to not have to wear a heavy coat. I'm sure I stunk awfully but when you can't shower you grow desensitized to your own smell. As I reveled in the warmth, I could feel the hot water relaxing the constant knots I had in my shoulders and necks from the years sleeping on concrete floors and the general stress of the apocalypse. As I washed the filth from my body I began to think. How's Ranboo and the others doing? Will they be able to be let in? What are they doing to help Tommy? What was the other side like?

I was finished cleaning myself so I dried myself off and put in my new cloths. They fit well enough and were comfortable.

 They fit well enough and were comfortable

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After brushing through my hair with my hands to remove any knots I headed back out to Ms

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After brushing through my hair with my hands to remove any knots I headed back out to Ms. Sue. As she promised she lead me down the hall and to another room in the old school. This one was filled with shelves of multiple different kinds of what looked like home made hygiene products. From deodorants to toothpastes and bars of soaps.

"Hello!? Mikey!? We have another one! Please get them everything that they will need and take them to  Clay please." The old lady calls out before waving at me and disappearing out the door.

"Hello, I'm Mikey. Here's everything that you will need. When you run out just come back and ask for more. Now come on, let's get you to Clay." A tall guy with a monotone voice says as he hands me a tub. In the tub, has a tube labeled toothpaste, bottles labeled shampoo and conditioner, a toothbrush, and deodorant. We walk the whole way in silence, to an apartment building within the barbed wire area. We stop outside of a door that has A-6 on it in metal numbers. Mikey knocks, before we hear a 'come in, it's unlocked' from within.

"Here ya go. Welcome to camp." Mikey gives me a smile before leaving me. I open up the door to a neatly furnished apartment.

"Hello. I'm Clay. And you are...?" A tall blond man asks as he stands up from a wooden chair, situated at a dining room table.

"Um, I'm Y/n. I came here with Ranboo, Tommy, and Tubbo." I say fiddling with the hem of my tank top.

"Oh they made it?! They haven't come through yet!" The biggest smile spread across this man's face. "Anyway! Let me take you to your new apartment and explain some thing's." Clay leads me out the door and to the stairway.

"Okay, so everyone has a role and contributes to the function of the camp. Unless you are unable to work you are expected to help. Whether that be helping with cooking, or helping run the pumps for water and keeping the boiler running. We also have a research facility to try and find a cure for the virus, but you seem a bit young to have the experience to help out with that." He pauses for a second.

"Well I was a bio engineering student before the world went to hell. I'm pretty good with vehicles and cooking too. First aid is also a strong suit. I can work pretty much anywhere you need me to. I mean I fixed up a car back in Arkansas and it got us all the way here and still runs great, if any of that helps." I give a shy chuckle as we walk down the hall on the third floor.

"Well then. I'll have to think about wear to put you. Anyway here is your new home. Get settled in and meet at the cafeteria for dinner at 6:30. You can't miss it it's the bright red building. You should find everything that you need in your apartment. I'll let the guys know what apartment your in, I'm sure you're going to want to talk to them. See you later y/n. Clay says as he closes the door behind him on his way out. He seemed nice enough.

Looking around, I found that I have a bathroom, kitchen, bedroom, and living area. In the bedroom there was a twin mattress and a desk with a chair. In the living room there was a simple chair and a love seat. And in the kitchen there was a stove that didn't work. But hey I have a roof over my head that is mine to stay in, for the first time to the years since the apocalypse started.

Apocalyptic Love (Ranboo X Reader) Zombie Apocalypse  AU Where stories live. Discover now