Chapter 19

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Ranboo's POV:

After Kristen walked off to feed her kid we hung out waiting for other people from the camp to start flowing in. We all get ourselves a bowl of stew each with some bread and a cup of water.

Clay walked in with several familiar faces with him. Sapnap, Aimsey, Niki, George (😂), and Will, are congregated together at one table. Seeing our long lost friends, the guys and I walk over, greeting them, with y/n trailing behind. After introducing herself, she sits down beside me to enjoy her meal along side us.

Hearing the door open I glance back to see Phil walk in and come over to where Kristen and their daughter are sitting. He happily greets us, before giving both his wife and kid a kiss and sitting down to eat. The cafeteria is filled with clinking of silverware, chatter and laughter, filling the atmosphere with a sense of a calm warmth.

Will and Tommy were goofing off as they always have, with their brother like bond. Aimsey and Bill are both picking at Tubbo about something. Clay George and sapnap are telling stories and goofing off. Niki had found Minx and jack so they were chatting among themselves. Schlatt, Charlie, Quackity, Tednivison and a few others i didn't recognize sat a nearby table chatting, over what looked like some sort of mead. Y/n, most importantly, is leaning their head on my shoulder, our fingers intertwined as she happily just lives in the moment.

Seeing everyone so happy made me proud to see what my friends had managed to accomplish. Even in such a dyer situation they all have banned together and made a space where people can be happy and safe. Though life will never go back to how it was before, at least not in our life time, everyone that I look at seems content with this new life style we've all had to adapt to. After over two years on the run barely surviving, we are safe. We are safe, now. That's hard to wrap my head around.

I notice that y/n's grip on my hand was very lax, looking down at her I see that she has fallen asleep. Her mouth hung slightly agape, her breathing slow and steady. I nudge Tubbo who is sitting next to me to get his attention.

"Hey Toby, I think I'm going to take Y/n to bed and turn in myself. I'm getting pretty tired." I say before maneuvering myself to scoop y/n up without waking them. Nodding to the rest of the group and saying goodnight I carry y/n bridle style back to my apartment. Normally I would have taken her back to her own place but I've got the bigger bed so i figured she wouldn't mind. Her apartment was the same size as mine, furnished much the same except she only had a twin size bed and I had a queen size. I'm assuming that they took height into account because Tommy got a full size and Tubbo also got a twin. Makes sense I guess. As I walk up to my door Mikey exits his own place down the hall, making his way towards me.

"Hey, need help?" He says comically yet in his signature monotone voice. I just nod and mouth a 'thank you' before walking into my apartment and taking y/n to my room after closing the door behind us.

Entering my room, I fold back the covers and gently place y/n down before waking them long enough for them to get changed into one of the very large t shirts I was given. Y/n sleepily crawls under the covers reaching out to me telling me to get in bed. I chuckle.

"Hold on n/n, I've got to get changed too." I head to my bathroom and change into some joggers and a comfy t shirt. Finally I crawl under the covers with y/n, tucking us both in. We were used to sharing a bed since that how the sleeping arrangements always worked out but tonight was the first night that we would sleep together as an official couple. It was surreal to think we had met each over a month ago already.

I'm drawn out of my thoughts by y/n wrapping her arm round my waist and snuggling into my chest. Hugging her close I listen to her breathing get slower signaling she had fallen asleep once more. I begin playing with their hair as I'm deep in thought.

What would have happened to us if we hadn't met y/n? What would we have done? Would we be alive? What would y/n's life had looked like? A finger pokes me in the cheek startling me a bit.

"Hey, I can pretty much see the smoke. What are you thinking about?" Y/n says quietly.

"Oh nothing. Just thinking that we were so lucky to have found you. There is no telling what would have happened to us if you weren't there. I'm really glad I met you N/n." I say kissing y/n's forehead.

⚠️mentions of suicidal thoughts⚠️

"You know that I'm just as lucky right? I would've continued to be lonely if I hadn't run into y'all. I had hit a very low point where I had made myself a promise. A promise I am very glad that I didn't have to go through with." There was a sad look in y/n's eyes as I glanced down concerned.

"What do you mean by that?" There was a moment of silence before she spoke up.

"I made a promise with myself that if I wasn't at a place where I was happy by the time that spring began, That I was no longer going to be on this plain of existence." She admits. I sit up making her look at me.

"If you ever feel like that again please talk to me. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me or either of the others-." Y/n cuts me off.

"Ran, I was at a very dark time. I was lonely, I had no one to be looking for, I was absolutely alone on this earth. I had nothing and no one TO live for." She reaches up and cups my face. "But now I do. I have a wonderful boyfriend, who is one of my three best friends. I've got people that I've got to keep living for. I've got a family now, a place where I can feel safe. I can truly say that I am the happiest that I have been in my entire life. I want to live now. I want to see what the future holds for me, for all of us. I want to grow old with you and the guys." I give y/n a sweet kiss before looking her in the eyes.

"Just promise me that no matter what happens to me or Tommy or Tubbo, that you will keep living for us. That you will be the survivor." I was serious, if anyone of us should live it should be y/n.

"I promise." She whispers lookin down at her hand that where resting in her lap.
"I love you n/n.

"I love you too, Ran."

Apocalyptic Love (Ranboo X Reader) Zombie Apocalypse  AU Where stories live. Discover now