Chapter 11

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Y/n's POV

After Ranboo had finished wiping my face for me, I quickly return to fixing the car up. I knew that I was blushing from the close contact between us and I did not feel like expressing my feeling right now, especially since i wasn't to sure what i was feeling anyway. It was almost silent for the next 20 minutes as I was extremely focused on changing the dry rotted timing belt.

I'm bent over the hood tightening the timing belt when Ranboo breaks the silence.

"So, since the Tom and Toby are off doing their thing what woke you up in a panic this morning?"

I stand up, turn around and lean against the front end of the car. Ranboo is sitting one of the work benches doddling his feet while looking at his hands like they were the most interesting thing in the world.

"I had a dream that all the people I've cared about got infected. My parents, my childhood friends, And you guys were there, chasing me through a swamp. the muck made getting away hard and everyone was gaining on me. I got stuck when i sunk into mud up to my collar bone." i took a deep breath before continuing, "Someone I care very deeply about, popped up out of the mud and ended up killing me. That's when You woke me up. That's why I hugged you, to make sure that it was just a dream and that you where okay." I confessed, fiddling with the wrench i had in my hand.

"I'm sorry."

"For?" i ask

"For making you feel like you had to share."

"Don't be, I chose to share and to be honest i feel a lot better having talked about it." i smile at him

Ranboo was silent for a second, thinking over what i had just told him.

"You said everyone you cared about was there? how come us three where there? you haven't known us for long." He says as he hops down from the bench and walking over to lean on the car beside me.

"Because, even though we only met a couple of days ago, y'all are the closest thing to friends or family that I've had in a while. I mean my parent's were gone long before all of this started, I wasn't really close to them before anyway." I shrug "I haven't stuck around one place long enough to make friends since I was little, and my last group weren't so nice towards me. So yeah, I care about y'all." I admit just as the door to the garage opens up revealing Tommy and Tubbo caring a couple of gas cans each and Tubbo also lugging a battery for the car. Their entrance causing the conversation Ranboo and I were having to come to a screeching halt. 

"How much petrol do you think we will need?" Tommy asks as he sets the containers down.
I thought for a second, doing the math.

'A 2008 Expedition has an approximate gas millage of 23 miles per gallon. So if the distance from here to Orlando is about 1014 miles that would be 23 times the amount of gas it can hold, in this case its about 28 gallons for this make and model. so 23 times 28 equals 644 miles on one tank. and if you were to multiply 644 by two you would already have enough to get there and still have gas left. so about 56 gallons. we already have about a full tank so about 28 gallons to gather.if we wanna try and make it all the way' (yes I did the actual research and math😅) I think to myself before looking up at the guys.

"Nerd." Tommy says with laugh.

"Do you think out loud like that often?" Ranboo looks pointedly at me with his eyes crinkling telling me that he is smiling under the mask.  I go red realizing that i had indead said all of that out loud.

"Hey! Don't make fun of me. I'm the one getting you there so shush." I laugh as i playfully roll my eyes. "Anyway,  lets just focus on getting as much as we can and still be able to pack food, water and other essentials with us. This car may not get us all the way there but it'll get us a hell of a lot closer a lot faster than on foot. Plus if we run low there is always the chance that we will run into a place along the way were we can somehow get gas and make it further, if we can't we will deal with that if it comes to it. Anyway that last thing I have to do is change the battery and we can get on the road, when y'all are ready." With that they all nod and the watch as I change the battery before we all started heading back to the apartment because the wind was picking up and the sky getting dark.

Apocalyptic Love (Ranboo X Reader) Zombie Apocalypse  AU Where stories live. Discover now