Chapter 3

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YA BABY! Y'all get two chapters today cause I felt like it. Love y'all!!!💙💙💙
Y/n's POV
After I helped them gather some of their own supplies we sneak back out onto the deserted streets. We are Moving quickly and quietly through the streets as dusk falls upon us, our weapons drawn just in case we run into anything. As we approach the apartment building. I hold up a hand, having spotted a zombie lurking outside of the entrance.

"Stay here, while I take care of this real quick." I whisper to Tubbo who was close behind me.

I dash almost silently, across the road and up behind the vermin. when close enough I swing my ax causing it's head to fall to the ground with a thud. I cautiously enter the building searching for other trespassers. Once I knew it was clear I poked my head out side and waved for the trio to follow me. They dash from their hiding spot and into the door that I was holding open for them.

"Come on, we've got some stairs to climb. Keep an eye open, I just cleared the bottom floor, we may run into some more as we head up." I warn them. we make our way up the many flights of stairs, and finally up the rope which i had tied to make it a bit easier to get up the rubble. Luckily we didn't run into any more zombies as we ascended the  stairs. I could see Ranboo peer into the open doors as we passed them, much like I had earlier, as we went along. Finally we reached the top and arrive at the steel door.

"Watch our backs while I pick the lock." I say pulling out my pick kit again. Once again the lock clicks and the door knob releases. I open the door to reveal the neat apartment just as I had left it.

"How did you find a place that was still intact?" Tommy asks in amazement.

"Luck I guess. It was the only door that was locked and the door is solid reinforced steel, so not easy to break. I guess whoever was hunkered down here before, died or moved on to a different area?" i shrug The guys take each of their packs off and set them on the counter next to where I had left the rest of my stuff.

"Y'all can go look around, see if there is anything that y'all may need. I think a teen boy lived here so maybe y'all can find some clean cloths or something. I'm going to go set up trail camera with an alarm, a floor down so we have warning if someone or something manages to make their way up here."

Tommy and Tubbo both take me up on the offer and go to look around, while Ranboo stayed in the kitchen area with me. i set about grabbing the trail camera and the walkie-talkie that went with it, and anything else I might need.

"I'm gonna come with, to watch your back while you set it up." Ranboo says as he rummages through the drawers in the kitchen.

"Okay if you want to. We need to try and hurry up it's getting dark fast. I also need to set up a heater and section off the living room so we don't freeze to death tonight. " I say scooping up all of the stuff I need, and tossing Ranboo a flashlight. we let the guys know we will be back in a bit before we head down to the floor below. It was silent before Ranboo spoke up.

"so what is that thing?"Ranboo asks

"Oh, before all of this i was in school for electrical engineering. this is just something i created once i was off on my own, without other people to watch my back while I sleep, I got creative. I just rigged a small solar powered, motion sensor trail camera to sound an alarm through this walkie-talky if it detects motion, kind of like a ring door bell." i explain as I finish testing it.

"So why are you alone? Most people would be traveling with a group." He questions.

"The group I was traveling with all went mad, they tried to kill me so I grabbed my shit and left before they could." I shrug.

"Oh, I'm sorry." There was an hint of regret it his voice.

"Oh don't be, they weren't really the best people before all of this happened anyway. A lot of them were former gang members and criminals, I was just with them to have  security in numbers I guess." I explain. I'm done with the camera so we head back to the apartment.

Once back, I set to work insulating the windows, and basically sectioning off the living room area from the rest of the apartment, so there was less of an area to heat. While ranboo and i where doing this Tommy and Tubbo were getting my little solar powered space heater heating up the living room.

Tubbo helps me prepare dinner while Ranboo and Tommy, struggle comically to drag the mattresses and blankets from the bedrooms into the little fort we had made, intending to sleep as a group to combat the freezing temperatures.

I walk over to the faucet to see if there happened to still be running water, it was unlikely since the electricity was shut off, but worth a shot. Nothing. I instead go to my store of water and pour some into the pot, then setting it on the stove to boil. While I wait on it to come to a boil I begin to cut up bell pepper and onion I had dried out back in the summer. Once the water is boiling I take it off the stove and put it on the marble counter top. then set about re-hydrating some meat and the peppers and onions that I had cut up, to make stew.

After about thirty minutes I had a nice stew ready to serve. I scoop a good helping into four bowls adding a few saltine crackers, and hand each boy a bowl. They were conversing quietly while sitting around the heater. Immediately they dig in, muttering their thanks through full mouths. I laugh at them, I forgot how much I enjoyed cooking for people, at least I knew I still had it. I return to the kitchen and finish making some wild mint tea that I had also steeped while I was cooking. After giving everyone their own glass of tea, I too sat down and enjoyed some dinner.

Apocalyptic Love (Ranboo X Reader) Zombie Apocalypse  AU Where stories live. Discover now