Chapter 9

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Y/n's POV
We got in and we immediately shared the good news with Ranboo. We talked excitedly about all of the goodies we were able to gather before I set about my evening routine. I got the heater set up for the guys then I go to boil water for both dinner and to soak ranboo's cloths in. Tommy came to keep me company while Tubbo and Ranboo talked quietly to each other.

"So, how do you know so much about this kind of stuff?" Tommy asks out of curiously. I shrugged as i poured some boiling water over ranboo's bloody cloths.

"My dad was really big on me knowing how to survive and take care of my self, so he taught me everything that he had learned in the army and more, whenever he was actually at home that is. But yeah, when he was home he would teach me how to do first aid, use weapons, start fires, forage, hunt, some mechanics. he even taught me what plants and fungi you can eat or use for medicines."

"we sure are lucky as hell that we found you, that's for sure." Tommy says with amazement. I laugh.

"Glad that i can help. Y'all are good company, so I don't mind." i say smiling. I set about with making dinner, Tommy helping out as he could. once we had dinner fixed i fed everyone and then work on getting all of the blood out of Ranboo's cloths. Finally after scrubbing them for a while with peroxide, i am to the point where i can finish washing it, wring it out and hang it out to dry, praying it wont freeze as it gets colder.

Toby and I had first watch tonight, since Ranboo needed his rest after loosing blood and Toby was the more hyper of the two other boys. I was wrapped up in a fluffy blanket we had found in a closet and Toby  was wrapped in his own blanket he was sharing with Tommy. The heater was up on high but it was still a bit chilly since the temperature was cooler then it had been. There was soft snores coming from both of the sleeping boys, it made me smile to know they were finally being able to get some much needed R.N R.. Just over the past few days i have felt more respected and at home with the guys than I had when i was with my last group or even when my parents were alive. It was nice to have other people to lean on or just talk to. I was broke from my trance by Toby throwing a sock at me.

"Huh? ew!" i whisper shout at him.

"hey you were the one zoned out and not hearing me call your name. Penny for your thoughts?" he asks putting his hands up in defence. i pick the sock up in between my pointer and thumb then chuck it back at him before answering.

"Just how nice it is to have y'all around. It's been a while since i felt like i belong or been around people my own age." i say as i pick at my thumb.

"why did you never feel like you belonged though, was there that big of an age difference in your last group? Plus, you seem pretty swell to me." he said as he cocked his head. i thought about it for a second picking my words carefully.

"Well it wasn't really ME thinking I didn't belong, it was the people around me. I was the only child my parents where ever able to have, they wanted a big, strong, sturdy, thick-skinned boy. they got me instead." i say gesturing to myself as a whole. "then the last group that i was with only let me stay with them because i could cook and clean. being the youngest there, everyone one else there was in their late twenties to forties. they only saw me as a pest unless I was giving them food or drink. Looking back i wish i had left them sooner. Maybe it would have saved me from having to travel in the cold or maybe i would have found y'all sooner."

"But there's a chance that you could have not found us at all. Honestly it's awesome to have a new person around, especially one that is a decent human being." Toby countered.

I smile at him, "So what was life like for you before all of this?" i ask trying to get to know him more. he put his fist under his chin.

"Well, before all this i was a twitch streamer. I streamed Minecraft mostly. All of us were actually. we had brought our families to America from the U.K. with us because we had business in L.A. and they hadn't been before. All three of us got separated from our families at some point while things went to Hell. Now none of us know if any of our families are alive or not." Toby explains.

"I'm sorry." i say not knowing what else i could say to that.

"Oh don't be. It's not like you started the zombie apocalypse or anything." he halfheartedly laughs. I just smile, not saying anything. there was a few minutes of silence, the only noise being the sound of Ranboo talking in his sleep about telatubbys and Porcupines for some reason and Tommy's quite snoring.

"So what about you? what were you up to before all of this, if you don't mind." Tubbo asked. i took a deep breath, before continuing.

"Well, i was In collage for electrical engineering, I wanted to help with the development of artificial organs, kind of like 'Bicentennial Man' (if you don't know the reference look it up and watch it!)  My parents had died when i was 13 in a car crash, so I was already on my own and had been for a while. I didn't have any friends because it was hard for me to make them, so instead I spent my time working and going to school, lot of good that did." i sigh "When this all hit I was working in a Cost Co. in Missouri while attending Missouri University of Science and Technology for my degree (I just chose a random school in Missouri🤫). once everything calmed down I picked a direction and started walking. when i was approaching the northern boarder of Arkansas i ran in to my last group and ended up sticking around with them until a few months back when they all went crazy and tried to kill me. After a bit i found my self here." i shrugged it off yawning. Toby let out a sleepy hum in response. Suddenly Tommy stretches and pokes Ranboo, stirring him from his sleep.

"Ranboo it's time for our watch." he says nudging him again as Ranboo tries to bat Tommy's hand away. Finally Ranboo wakes up enough and switches spots with me, Tommy taking Toby's as both of say our 'good nights' and went to sleep.

Apocalyptic Love (Ranboo X Reader) Zombie Apocalypse  AU Where stories live. Discover now