Chapter 13

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Hey guys I'm back!! I have finished a few more chapter and will be ending to story soon. Keep a look out for a few more chapters though!! I know there will be at lest two or three more chapters after this one but there may be more lol. Also I am going to be releasing another story, a Shōta Aizawa x trans (ftm) book within the next few months so if you like mha or Aizawa in general keep a look out for that as well😁. Tbh this chapter kind of sucks but the next chapters are better so just hang in there!! As always feel free to leave oneshot requests! Love ya!!!

Y/n's POV:

It was a three weeks after the winter storm had hit, spring had come and we where finally clear to start driving to Orlando. Normally we would have been on our way a few days after he ice falling however Mother Nature didn't seem to want us to go. First, temperatures kept on dropping at night freezing the days melted frozen rain into slick sheets of ice, preventing us from leaving. Then, because of Tubbo getting sick from the cold and a horrendous lightning storm system that passed through our journey to Florida had been pushed back. Finally over the last day or so we had the all clear to leave. The sky was blue, not even a cloud in the sky, birds were singing and trees and flowers where starting to bud. We have been spending our time starting to pack things into the suv and scour the few places around the town that we hadn't searched before life hit.

Ranboo was healing well, there was no sign of infection during the whole healing process and he has full mobility in his arm again, though In place of the large gash is now a pink scar. We have all three grown together even more while we haven't been able to travel, learning more and more about each other. I think we all needed the  month we were stuck here, just to relax and reciprocate from the years since the beginning of the apocalypse.

Over the month Tubbo and Tommy have become like brothers to me, with their goofy nature and them having almost no filters at times made sitting around the fire sharing stories, laughing and cutting up, quite interesting. They told me stories about streams of theirs and funny stories of their friends and family.

Now Ranboo. He's a different story, almost the exact opposite of Tommy and Tubbo, being more quiet and gentle. Except when you really make him laugh that's is. His laugh, damn was it contagious, when he gets going everyone around him laughs too, until the laughter fades to giggles that fade to content silence.

I will be the first one to admit that since the day I first ran into Ranboo I had fallen for him and I had fallen hard. Every time he would smile at me or lean close at night to whisper when we had watch duty together and didn't want to wake the others, my stomach would fill with butterflies and my palms begin to sweat a bit. I am hyper aware of all the subtle changes in his features and body language. Like the way he fiddles with his mask when he's anxious or the way his eyebrows scrunch when he is focused or confused about something. The squinting of his beautiful gray eyes when he smiles. Everything about the man made me want to be something more then friends. He makes me happy. I want to cuddle together at night, talking about our days. I want to hold hands as we walk in the forest, without having to worry about zombies attacking us. I want a normal life where we can be happy, something that I had never really found appealing. Ranboo, I had fallen in love with, yet he didn't notice or didn't care to. Either way he would never reciprocate these feelings so I will just keep my mouth shut about them so i don't risk loosing him. I've lost too many people in my life, I don't think I could take loosing any of them. I am deep in thought as I finish packing the car up.

"Okay that's the last of if. Let's get this show in the road." I smile at Ranboo as I head for the drivers seat.

Ranboo's POV

We were loading up the last of the supplies that we were taking with us. The sun beams down on us warming everything it touches. The warm air of spring also brings the chirping of birds and bugs around us. Y/n is smiling as the bright sun beams down on her, making her h/c hair have a simmer of gold cast on it, the light warm breeze ruffling her h/t h/l hair. She looked happy, her whole attitude had changed since we met. During the first week she was pretty closed off not want to share to many details about her life before the apocalypse, but now we don't keep secrets, she comfortable with us now and that makes me chest warm.

Y/n shoves the final bag in the back, closing the trunk and turning to the drivers side of the car. Y/n is driving first since she knows the way we need to go.

"Okay that's the last of if. Let's get this show in the road." Y/n give me her award winning smile.

I call out to Tubbo and Tommy before we all climb into the car, ready to finally finish our journey. I'm sitting up front in the passenger seat, Tubbo is sitting behind me and Tom is sitting behind y/n.

We had been driving for about 7 and a half hours now. Since there was no one to enforce traffic laws and speed limits, we were making great time, but we where having to stop and refill our tank. We had managed to find almost enough to get us most of the way to Orlando, so I had y/n pull over. I can see that the hours driving is starting to take its toll. Toby and Tom are still fast asleep in the back seat as y/n pulls off to the side of the road. Both of us get out and help refill the tank, leaving the others to sleep.

"Hey, Y/n I'll drive for a bit you get some sleep. We are just staying on one stretch right now right?"  I ask as we start to head back to the car.

"Um yeah, so long as we stay on this highway we will get there soon. We are over half way there we just passed through Deatsville a bit back, so we only have about another 7 hour drive ." They yawn and stretch before tiredly crawling into the passenger seat. I got behind the wheel, starting the car up again and continuing our journey. I was a bit rusty and out of practice but after a couple of minutes I got the hang of it and everything was going smoothly. Y/n was sleeping peacefully in the passenger seat, letting out cute little snores as she fell deeper and deeper into sleep.

I had been driving for another two hours when y/n woke up from their nap. We conversed quietly not wanting to wake up Tom and Toby. Eventually Tubbo and Tommy both wake up and join our conversation. We saw a barricade in front of us on the road trying to prevent us from passing through. It was a group of about five men with assault weapons and torches.

Apocalyptic Love (Ranboo X Reader) Zombie Apocalypse  AU Where stories live. Discover now