Chapter 15

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Two chapters in a day?! Yep, I felt nice today lol.

Ranboo's POV:

"Ran, we will be there soon. I will not let anything happen to you, tommy, or tubbo. I will get y'all to clay and keep y'all alive if it's the last thing I do." Y/n says reassuringly. It felt nice to hold her hand like this, but it also hurt.

"That's the problem, Y/n. You are constantly saving our asses, with absolutely no regard for your own safety! You are important damn it and you just throw your life around like it doesn't matter. So long as we get out you're fine right? well what about us? What about if you save one of our asses and you loose your life, leaving me to try and live life without you. Like today, even though we were getting shot at instead of keeping your head down to avoid getting hit you took the wheel from me and gunned it. What if we had crashed? What if you had gotten hit by a bullet? Look, N/n, I love you more than life it's self and i don't know what i would fuckin do if i lost you." I'm getting so worked up, as everything i've wanted to say gets vommited out in a mumble of words. tears are running down my face as i try and calm my self down after my self induced anxiety attack.

"I Love you too." Y/n whispers, i look at her in shock but turn away so she wouldn't see my tears.

"Ran, listen to me." Y/n gently reachs over and grabs my face, making me look at her. "You,Toby, and Tommy are my top priority's. You are my life, my family, hell y'all are the reason that I'm alive. Do you relize that? Y'all gave me a reason to keep living. If I had to be crucified for you and the guys to survive, if i had to sacrifice my own life for y'alls i would, because I love you. there is not a thing in this world that will change that or my willingness to let my life end to make sure that yours continues." I cup her hand thats still held to my face. It's tiny compared to mine and is slightly calloused from the years of hard work she has done, but it was the most comforting thing i had felt, since my mom hugged me goodbye as i left to go back to the UK. The flight that i never made and the last time i saw my blood family. "It's just.... Y'all are the only thing I have and I've already lost so many people, i don't think that I would survive it this time, if i lost any of you." Y/n confesses to me.

With disregard to anything around us i pull y/n into a kiss. To my surprise she kisses back. her lips are slightly chapped from the lack of chapstick, but it's the sweetest kiss I think I've ever had. It's almost like every thing that has been going on just disappeared for the time being. She tastes like the homemade toothpaste she had brushed her teeth with before we left.

(it actually pretty good, it just lacks floride like store bought tooth pastes. Basically it's edible essential oils, baking soda and stevia.)

We finally break for air, leaning our foreheads on each other as we catch our breath.

"You know I meant it right? That i love you?" she ask leaning back and looking me in the eyes. her e/c eyes held unshead tears and love as I stared right back. I Give her a smile and nod.

"I honestly don't see why, I don't deserve you. but yeah." I give her a soft peck before sighing, "we need to get back to the guys before it's dark." she gives me a smile.

"yeah, you're right. Let me grab the bag of food, stove, and sticks for Tommy's crutches, while you grab the space heater and blankets." She says as she climbs out of the car and heads to the rear end.

we make it back to the gas station and begin to set up the sleeping area in what used to be the lounge for employees to have their breaks in. It was 12 x 14 room with a sink, counters and a table with chairs.

We immediately get to work getting food going and the room heating up. Y/n made Tommy some willows bark tea and then got to work making some crutches out of the wood we gathered and some cloth for cushioning.

After y/n was done with that we set them aside for Tommy to use tomorrow and laid out to try and get some sleep

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After y/n was done with that we set them aside for Tommy to use tomorrow and laid out to try and get some sleep.  Tubbo had first watch, but I couldn't sleep, so I sat propped up on my elbow studying the peacefulness of y/n's face as they slept. Their face held no tension, just peace. We are always in survival mode while awake, so we never get to be completely relaxed unless we are asleep. I push a piece of loose hair off of y/n's face, jumping back slightly when Toby all of a sudden speaks.

"So y'all finally kiss?" Tubbo asks.

"Um, why?"

"Because, you're acting different. Like I said before I know you. So?" Tubbo pushes with a knowing smirk.

"Yeah, we have. I was ranting about how she's always helping us when shit like what happened with Tommy happens, and I let it slip that I have feelings for them." I smile to myself reminiscing, "she said she loved me too and that she would do anything for me and y'all. Then we kissed."

"Simp." Tommy grumbles sleepily as he turns over.

"Hey there's nothing wrong with being a simp, bossman. I'm happy for you two." Tubbo gives me an encouraging thumbs up and a cheeky grin.

"Shuuuuudup." Tommy groans from under his blanket. Toby and I just chuckle at him and fall silent. Y/n suddenly rolled towards me burying her face into my chest. In turn I wrap my arms around her protectively. My eyes start to get droopy, Soon I drift into a deep sleep still holding y/n to my chest in an embrace.

Apocalyptic Love (Ranboo X Reader) Zombie Apocalypse  AU Where stories live. Discover now