Chapter 10

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Sorry I'm a bit late!! Lost track of time and forgot what day it was 😂😂 anyways hope you enjoy!! Leave me request for bench trio one shots PLEASE!!!

Y/n's POV ( italics are the dream)

I was running  through dark swampy woods. The humid air clinging to me, making me sweat even more. My parents, past friends, and the guys where hunting me, except they weren't the people I care about anymore. They were all brainless creatures out for my flesh. I'm in waist deep muck that is slowly sucking me down as they all get closer and closer gaining on me. I make it to solid ground and try to hop over a downed tree expecting more solid ground to be there on the other side. to my surprise i sank deeper into the swamp then before, becoming stuck. as the muck reaches my collar bone Ranboo pops his head up out of the mess in front of me. But this wasn't Ranboo any more. his beautiful gray eyes were now milky white, his pretty pale skin had a green tint with dark purple blotches to it and there was a massive hole in the side of his head exposing his skull and what was left of his brain.

"Ranboo?" i say in disbelief. his only response was a spine-chilling growl before lunging at me ripping my windpipe out as i scream from betrayal and anguish.

I am shaken awake by someone. Still stuck in a panic i started to thrash about trying to get away from whoever was holding me there, eyes still shut to avoid the sight that had haunted me.

"Y/n! Calm down it was just a dream!" i hear a familiar voice yell at me. I open my eyes to see Ranboo kneeling beside the mattress with a worried look on his face. Without thinking, I launched myself into Ranboo's arms, crying into his shoulder. He put a comforting arm around me, and started rubbing soothing circles along my back until i calmed down, his injured arm at his side.

After a minute I leaned back out of his grip, sitting on my knees.

"I'm sorry about that." I say as I wipe a stray tear away. I look around to see all three of the boys staring at me with worried eyes.

"Don't be. Do you want to talk about it?" Ranboo offered, gently taking my hand and rubbing his fingers over my knuckles.

"Later. we have stuff to do." i weakly smile at him. Without a word Ranboo leaned in and brought me in for another hug. I lay my head on his chest listening to his heart beat a steady rhythm. The most comforting sound I could ever ask for in that moment.

"When you're ready, you can talk to me about it." he whispers into my ear so the other two guys couldn't hear him. I let out a soft 'okay, thanks' before i lean back.

"Okay, lets get ready and do this shit." I say as i stand up, helping Ranboo stand as i do.


After we were all fully awake and had eaten, I checked on Ranboo's stitches, cleaning the sight around it and changing the bandages. Ranboo said it didn't hurt to bad but i ended up making him some more willows bark tea and having him drink it before we all headed out. Ranboo insisted on tagging along to the mechanics shop and help in anyway that he could so we could get on the road faster. The walk there is quiet but in a good way. It's still cold outside, storm clouds looming in the distance. The birds sing and the surviving wildlife goes on about it's business, making it seem so peaceful.

"So when we get there, your staying with us right?" Tubbo breaks the silence. i thought about it for a second before responding.

"I mean if I am welcomed, i don't see why i wouldn't, but I guess it all depends on whether Clay, that's his name right, if he is okay with me being there." i say with a shrug

"I don't see why he wouldn't allow you to stay, but i guess we'll just have to see when we get there." Ranboo adds. I hum in agreement.

Once we get to the garage we clear the building making sure there would be nothing or no one to sneak up on us. I then task Tommy and Toby with finding more gas cans and vehicles that we might be able to siphon gas out of to fuel the car for as long as possible. As they leave I began to start repairing what needed to be fixed on the car with Ranboo shadowing me. He studies everything I do, occasionally asking questions.

Something that I had learned about Ranboo in the last few days is that he is very curious about everything, always wanting to know how something is done or how it works. Honestly it's adorable.

Currently I am under the car changing to oil, since it had been sitting for a while and needed to be clean to lubricate the engine properly.

"Hey Ran, can you pass me the socket wrench, and the 3/8th socket, Please" i ask as i reach for the oil pan that was within my reach already. Ranboo bumps my foot letting me know to put my hand out to grab it. I do so and set about trying to loosen the bolt that holds the oil plug.

Finally i had it taken care of and i could come out from under the car. as i slid out i made eye contact with Ranboo. He burst out laughing when i did though, making me confused. I had never heard him laugh before, i had only heard him chuckle at things we have all said. His laugh is amazing but I'm confuse about what he is laughing at.

"What?" I ask raising a brow at him. he just shakes his head and offers me a hand up, while still laughing. When i am on my feet he goes and digs through his bag. I return to working on putting new oil in the car. When Ranboo walks back over to me he taps me on the shoulder. in his hand is a package of baby wipes.

"Here, you've got stuff on your face." He says chuckling still. i take one wiping my whole face down and my hands that i had gotten oil on.

"You missed most of it, here." he laughs out, before taking out another wipe and stepping closer to me, and starts to gently wipe at different areas of my face. After a minute he steps back, balling up the wipe and putting it in a can that was sitting on a work bench.

Apocalyptic Love (Ranboo X Reader) Zombie Apocalypse  AU Where stories live. Discover now