Chapter 5

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So sorry this is late I forgot what day it was forgive me!! Anyways hope y'all enjoy, again sorry for the late update.

Y/n's POV
I wake up with warm arms wrapped tightly around me. I was half asleep so i just snuggled into them, causing whoever they belonged to to stir. I suddenly open my eyes when I realize that I shouldn't have arms wrapped around me. When I look down I see long slender arms pinning me to someone's chest. my gaze follows the arms up to look behind me and see Ranboo, without his mask on, sleeping peacefully. His perfect eyebrows were relaxed, his clear face resonating peace, and he had bread starting to grow along his sharp jawline. Suddenly I hear a loud laugh, that causes me to jump and Ranboo to open his eyes startled. I look up to see Tubbo and Tommy starring at us, through the hanging blankets, with huge grins on their faces.

"Come on love birds we've got shit to do." Tubbo says. At that Ranboo wakes up enough to realize that he is still holding me to his chest. He lets go of me and sits up scooting away from me in a hurry, a blush visible on his face.

"Sorry. Umm, I'll be back in a few. Tubbo can you come with?" He rushes. he stands up puts on his boots and coat he had found in one of the closets then heads to the door with his gun and machete. without question Tubbo follows. I let out a sigh and flop back on to the mattress.

"So what was that?" Tommy broke the silence

"What do you mean?" I ask confused, Tommy smiles at me.

"You where staring pretty hard at Ranboo when he was asleep. Got a little crush have we?" Tommy picks fun at me. I just sigh and shake my head at him as I smile. Wordlessly I stand up and go to boil water for some coffee, and set about getting breakfast together.

About half an hour later Ranboo and Tubbo return and we start planning how we are going to travel. We've cleared off the entire counter and now have the same maps I had shown Ranboo last night spread out so we could all see them. As I explained what I thought would be best for us I kept on catching Ranboo starring at me, I just ignore it and continue on.

"Okay, there are towns along the highway that we could probably at very least find a place to hunker down at night to rest and try to avoid as many mobs as possible. It's probably best that we avoid areas that used to be highly populated, because it's more likely to run into large hoards of zombies or undesirable groups of survivors." I explain, pointing to the mile markers.

"What about places along the way to refill on water? We only have so many containers that we can carry." Ranboo brings up. I reach into my bag and pull out yet another map.

"How many maps do you have!?" Tommy laughs

"Honestly probably more then I need but hey, they are being useful as of the moment." I shrug as I start to unfold the map of rivers and lakes across the south east of the U.S.. "Also great point Ranboo. This is a map of all large bodies of water across the southeast of the country. this map," I pause as I flip the map over, "also has major springs and ground water, we should be fine on water considering it's winter and here in the south instead of snow, we get lots of rain and it's not called hot springs for nothing" I laugh before continuing, "and just to ease any anxiety, I always carry a small tea kettle which we can boil water on a fire with once we do start running low." I assure everyone. They all nod, Tubbo's the next to speak.

"I think that we need to split up into two groups and finish searching the town for anything useful. We have plenty of food, and stuff to get water with, but we hardly have anything to patch wounds with or any sort of first aid." I think for a second.

"Yes we do need to see if we can find any first aid stuff, but I don't think it's a good idea to split up. It would be different if we had a large group and a way of communication between the groups but we have neither of those. What do y'all think about spending the next few days slowly exploring all of the buildings we can together, finding all of the things we could possibly use? That way we can make sure we are fully prepared and make sure to find any assets that could help us get there faster or at least make the trip a little easier on us." I counter

"I say that's a good plan. You can mark out the places we need to make it to each night of the trip and we can gather whatever we can find. Then once we are ready we can start our journey." Tommy inputs.

"Okay, so it's set. Let's go and start looking around more while we have daylight and tonight when we come back we can help you figure out where all of our pit stops should be." Ranboo portrays to us, we all agree and start getting ready to go out. Then we leave, locking the apartment behind us.

Apocalyptic Love (Ranboo X Reader) Zombie Apocalypse  AU Where stories live. Discover now