Chapter 7

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Y/n's POV

As we made it back to the apartment I began to rush around to get everything i need, to get Ranboo taken care of. I had played it off to make it seem like it wasn't a big deal, but the cut was really deep and long. First, I take out some dry, white willows bark and set it out on the counter. then I take out a sterile suture that we found at the hospital and all of the other things I would need. In action mode I'm laser focused on getting Ranboo taken care of to avoid any infection. 

"Tubbo can you get 2 cups of water on to boil with two teaspoons of willows bark that is on the counter in it, Ranboo is going to need it." Tubbo does as he's asked. Tommy is sitting beside Ranboo already helping get his shirt off and him lied down and comfortable on the mattress.

"what's willow bark supposed to do?" Tommy asks curious.

"Oh, willows bark tea is similar to aspirin, since we don't have any numbing stuff, or any pharmaceuticals, its the best we can do to help with the pain." I look down at Ranboo. there was a small look of panic in his eyes that made my heart ache for him. I kneel next to him, and cover his chest with a blanket so he doesn't get to cold.

"Don't worry, I'm really good at stitches, and i will be done with it real quick okay? We have got to do this so it's less likely to get infected or keep busting open." He lets out a shaky breath as he nods, fear still evident in his pretty grey eyes. 

"okay water is boiling, what now?" tubbo asks from the kitchen.

"Okay, when it is a dark burgundy color its ready, so when it gets there just turn it off, carefully strain the willows bark out and let the tea cool." i instruct him before turning back to Ranboo.  "I want you to look at Tommy the entire time, don't look at what I'm doing, don't look at anyone or anything but Tommy. If you need to hold his hand or something, I would. Your gonna have the urge to hold your breath, don't I need you to keep slow even breaths okay?" Ranboo nods, Tommy offers his hand for Ranboo to hold, which he accepts.

"Hey, Tubbo how cooled off is that tea?" i ask over my shoulder as I Put on my reading glasses and sanitize my hands and all of the materials i was going to use.

"It's still really hot." he responds.

"Okay I grabbed a thing of sweetener packets from the grocery, they are in the front pocket on my navy blue bag. get, probably two, of those and stir it into the tea and leave it in there to cool." I am cleaning Ranboo's arm up again while telling Tubbo what needs to be done. It had stopped bleeding now, for the most part, which was good. I wipe away the excess blood and start working out where I needed to start stitching him up. Tubbo walks over to us. As I'm threading the needle, I nod for Tubbo to lean over so i can whisper to him.

"Get a trash can or something in case he vomits." I whisper to him he nods and goes off to find something. I was finally ready to start.

"Okay, I'm gonna start now. I need you to be as still as possible, and remember to breath okay?" Ranboo lets out a little 'Okay' and squeezes Tommy's hand. Ranboo jumps slightly as I begin to sew him up. It hurt my heart when i see tears leave his eyes, and him suppressing cries, as I continued on with the stitches.
After a minute or so, I notice Ranboo is swallowing a lot so i motion for Tubbo to come closer with the trashcan he was able to find in one of the bedrooms. Just as Tubbo got there Ranboo shoots up and vomits into the can. I finish tying off the, stitches and clip the access suturing thread. I let him catch his breath, and I gently rub his back, as he vomits into the can again. there is sweat dripping down his back and chest as well as off of his face. I stand up and run to the kitchen and pour some cool water on a clean cloth, ringing it out and rushing back to Ranboo, who was still hunched over the trash can.

"It's okay I'm done now." I start wiping the sweat from his forehead, brushing his long hair back and out of his face. Ranboo pushes the can away , so Tubbo takes the can outside with Tommy tagging along with Ranboo's machete. I clean the area around the sutures with alcohol before i go on to wrap clean bandages around them. "How are you doing Ran?" I ask as i tie one last knot to secure the bandages.

"It hurts, but I'll be fine." he says in a small voice still pale. i stand up and run to get the now cooled tea and a package of granola i was able to find.

"here, sip this, It's going to be a bit bitter but its just as good as taking an Ibuprofen or Tylenol. And here's some granola to help bring your blood sugar back up." He takes the cup and starts to sip making a face at me. I chuckle at him.

"I told you, it's gonna be a bit gross." i say with a shrug.

"well you sure didn't lie." he says giving me a bit of a smile.

"Let me go find you something else to wear while i get the blood out of you shirt and coat." i say as i turn and go to find something that would fit him.

After searching for a bit i was able to find an extra hoodie that i had that was a literal dress on me, so i figured it would probably fit Ranboo. As I walk back to Ranboo, Tommy and Tubbo came back in as well. I kneel down and help Ranboo get the hoodie on without causing to much pain to his arm. I left Ranboo to sip his tea and eat his granola while i go to try and get all of the blood out of his coat and shirt.

Apocalyptic Love (Ranboo X Reader) Zombie Apocalypse  AU Where stories live. Discover now