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                    THE REPERCUSSIONS OF THEIR PERFORMANCE WERE WAY WORSE THAN EXPECTED.  The national Accapella association had gotten involved with the situation and their school. As the group walked through campus towards the Deans office, they couldn't ignore the number of eyes that followed them through the courtyard like they were the most outrageous thing they had seen since the school got rid of pizza in the cafeteria. But even when they got to the dean's office a certain redhead didn't relax.

Beca and Elle had followed her pacing with their eyes and it was making them dizzy due to how long she had been doing it. "Chloe, chill out. It was a mistake. They're not gonna burn us for witchcraft." Beca said once she had enough.

Chloe looked at her incredulously. "No, but the National A Cappella Association is in there talking to the dean about us, and who knows what's gonna happen?" She stressed, running her hands through her perfectly curled hair and down her dress to smooth it out so she could look as presentable as possible for the association.

"We won three championships. Whatever happens, in there, we're gonna be fine." Elle grumbled, laying her head back against her chair and closing her eyes. The whole situation was giving her a headache. "Maybe it's time to think about other stuff." She suggested, awaiting Chloe's impending rant once she did.

"What other stuff?" She asked quickly, quirking an eyebrow at her question.

Beca looked at Elle in agreement since she had been thinking the same thing. "You know, school, jobs, life." She shrugged and Elle nodded in agreement, keeping her eyes closed and her head back the whole time. She was frustrated with the whole situation and the fact that Jesse and the Trebles were doing the introduction performance for the freshmen and she wanted to go see him—now she couldn't.

Their relationship had progressed immensely over the past year. She had met his parents—although he had to physically push her through his front door to do so—and it undoubtedly came with a mass array of nerves for the girl. But in the end, they both appeared to like her and her relationship with their son—despite the brunettes worry.

Jesse couldn't speak more highly of her, he used any opportunity he had to brag about his girlfriend to whoever would listen. She was the same—although admittedly sometimes she didn't realise she was doing it and words just slipped out. Nevertheless, she had to avert her attention away from the blue-eyed boy and back to their current situation.

"This group is my life. I've intentionally failed Russian Lit three times so I could be a Bella. This is the worst thing that's ever happened to us. Ever." She continued to stress despite the girl's words and dropped down frustratedly into a seat beside Florencia with a huff.

The black-haired girl beside her looked down at her frown with one of her own. "You know, before coming to Barden, I had diarrhoea for seven years." She told them all who looked at her with looks of both confusion and disgust. "But yes, this is terrible." She grumbled, especially when Chloe shot her a panicked look.

It was at that point that the secretary of the dean, an old woman with glasses balancing on the tip of her nose, had walked out of the Deans office with a grumpy frown on her lips. "The dean is ready for you tramps." She spoke with distaste and the group of girls all looked at each other shocked.

"Oh, jeez," Elle grumbled as she stood up and lead the girls into the office alongside Beca and Chloe. They all stood before him and the association, trying to ready their expressions—none of which looked remotely positive.

"Ladies, you have dragged the good name of Barden University into the gutter. And you've really upset these people whose names I've already forgotten." He lectured, gesturing towards Gail and John who were sitting at the desk beside him.

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