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                 EVERYTHING WAS FINALLY PERFECT. The Bella's were set to go on stage. Everything was good with Jesse again. They were going to kill it.

"DSM! Ja! DSM! Ja! DSM! Ja! DSM! Ja! DSM! Ja! DSM! Ja! DSM! Ja! DSM! Ja! DSM! Ja!" The intimidating German group jumped up and down, in and out of the circle they had formed. They thought that they would win but in reality, it was anyone's game to win.

"Ooh! Well done! There they go, the Indian group, the Naan-Stops, running off stage to take a few more of our jobs." John commentated to the downloaders, viewers, watchers and listeners at home.

"I thought the little one was spicy!" Gail said excitedly, practically jumping up and down in her seat. "DSM! Ja! DSM! Ja! And coming up next, Das Sound Machine. A crowd favourite, John." She added, clearly siding with the Bella's opponents.

"DSM! Ja! DSM! Ja! DSM! Ja!" The crowd cheered waiting for the group to come out on stage and do their performance. "Hear that? They chant. For us." The blonde woman from DSM approached the group once again. Simply to taunt the group before they went on. "Now, don't cry too hard when you lose, huh? Makes eyes puffy." She added, tapping her hand against Becas cheek.

"Your hands are so soft." She mumbled awkwardly, looking down.

"I'm sorry, I don't speak "loser." What did you say?" She asked again with a cold laugh towards the girl.

"She actually speaks eight languages, but "loser" is not one of them." Her 'sidekick' added with a grin.

"Everything must come to an end. Even the Bellas. Take care and lose nice." She grinned, so self-involved with her group that she couldn't see the real talent that the Bella's had.

Beca scoffed. "Huh, your sweat smells like cinnamon." She commented as the woman was walking away. "Damn it!" She grumbled again, stamping her foot when the woman had walked away.

"They've got the crowd going wild!" John noted, looking out at the crowd who was screaming for the group to come out on stage. And when they did they only screamed louder than before.

"An incredible performance once again from the German group. I'm telling you, Gail, though, if the Bellas of old show up tonight, this could be the most significant conflict between America and Germany in history." He said confidently and Gail frowned at him.

"Crack a book, John." She sighed.

"Pass one down to your friends. Here you go. Thank you." Benji spoke, handing out flashlights to almost everyone she could get to while keeping two for himself and Jesse. "All right, here you go, buddy." He said, finally handing one to the boy beside him who was waiting in anticipation for his girlfriend to come out on stage.

"Thanks, man. Where have you been?" He asked having noticed that Benji had been gone for at least half an hour.

"You have no idea, dude." The boy breathlessly chuckled, pulling his American flag closer around him.

"Final performance, guys. We need to get out there and beat DSM." Chloe chanted—she knew they could do this. She knew they could beat DSM.

"This one's for us." Elle grinned.

"Guys, there's gonna be some haters out there. They're gonna look at us, Team USA, and be like, "Why is the most talented one Australian?" Well, guess what. I am fat. So that is close enough." She nodded as she spoke, looking around at her sisters. "We are gonna show them who we are. A bunch of ethnically diverse, for the most part, feminine," She looked at Cynthia rose—"amazing singers! Yeah! Let's just go out there and ac' the world!" She screamed loudly and they all followed after her with the same enthusiasm.

"Yes! Yeah! Yes! John, it's possible we are watching the last hurrah of the Barden Bellas." Gail spoke emotionally as she watched the group they had been following for so long, take the stage. "Although, I hear Elle Santos, leader of the group, has officially been signed and is releasing an album." She noted and John nodded.

"Alive outside the Bella's, who would have thought. It's going to be very hard to pull this off, and if they don't, they are out of business as an a cappella group. It is over." He nodded, looking at the camera.

"All right! Let's do this!" The girls cheered.

"...Barden University's Bella's." They announced as the group to the stage. Nerves were hitting the roof, adrenalin was flowing through their veins, this could be their last hurrah. And if it was, then they wanted to go out with a bang. And if it wasn't. Then they needed to win.

"Yes! Whoo!" Benji screamed alongside Jesse. "That's my girl! Elle!" He shouted loudly, his smile only intensifying when he saw her front and centre as the song began.

♫ "When tomorrow comes,
I'll be on my own.
Feeling frightened of,
The things that I don't know.

Elle started, shortly followed by Chloe, Beca and then Emily.

When tomorrow comes,
When tomorrow comes,
When tomorrow comes,
When tomorrow comes.

Cynthia, Stacie and Amy Joined in next.

"And though the road is long,
I look up to the sky—"

"Is it possible the Barden Bellas are doing an original song?" John asked quietly. The audience seemed so engrossed and so did the viewers at home.

Then Jessica, Ashley and Florencia joined in.

"Then I sing along,
Then I sing along,
Then I sing along,

And then the darkness of the lights behind them was made brighter and there stood almost two dozen more Bella's from all different years and ages.

"I got all I need when I got you and I,
'Cause I look around me and see your sweet life,
I'm stuck in the darkness,
You're my flashlight,
You're gettin' me gettin' me through the night.

You kick start my heart when you shine it in my eyes,
I can't lie It's a sweet life,
I'm stuck in the dark but you're my flashlight.
You're gettin' me through the night

"Look at this! It looks like the Barden Bellas are being joined on stage by generations of Bellas, going all the way back to the beginning." The pair filming said excitedly, not expecting so much thought to be put into it.

'Cause, you're my flashlight,
'Cause, you're my flashlight,
'Cause, you're my flashlight,
'Cause, you're my flashlight,
You're my flashlight,
You're gettin' me through the night.

I got all I need when I got you and I
'Cause I look around me and see your sweet life
I'm stuck in the dark but you're my flashlight
You're getting me through the night

Kick start my heart when you shine it in my eyes
I can't lie It's a sweet life
I'm stuck in the dark but you're my flashlight
You're gettin' me through the night

We belong 'Cause you're my flashlight
'Cause you are
'Cause you're my flashlight
'Cause you're my flashlight
I'm your flashlight
You're gettin' me through the night
'Cause you're my flashlight
'Cause, you're my Gettin' me through the Night.

"Simple," "raw," "vulnerable," "exposed." I've been called a lot of things, Gail. But let me add one more. I'm impressed." He finally admitted, although he couldn't lie that he had doubted them the whole way.

"I thought you were gonna say "gay," Gail spoke truthfully, tears in her eyes from the Bella's performance.

"Bellas! Bellas! Bellas! Bellas! Bellas! Bellas!" The crowd chanted while the group finally stopped and looks around at the people that were screaming their names. Elle spotted Jesse in the crowd and smiled wider than before.

"Oh. They have touched every person here. They've touched me, John." Gail gushed.

"Well, everyone has touched you, Gail, but this is something else." He noted.

The Bella's had won the worlds and they couldn't have been happier when doing it.

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