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THE WORLDS TROPHY AND PLAQUE SAT ON THE BELLAS HOUSE MANTLE. And of course, since Emily was an official member of the Bella's, they had to initiate her as soon as they returned—although Elle had spent a large amount of time with Jesse since they'd been back—understandingly.

"It's ceremonial, and you should definitely not drink it 'cause it is essentially poison," Beca noted, holding out the goblet of liquid to Emily who took it with a large smile.

"Terrible for you." Elle agreed, grimacing at the thought of it, although the smell was very pleasing.

"Okay. Okay. Great."

"Ooh. It smells like cherries and vanilla." She sniffed the liquid, understanding Elles thinking when she did.

"Okay, repeat after me. "I..." Sing your name." Elle began, reciting their traditional initiation.

"I... Emily..." She sang.

"Okay. "Promise to uphold the ideals of a Bella woman forever," Chloe added.

"Promise to uphold the ideals of a Bella woman forever." The girl repeated, barely standing still with excitement.

"And that's it." Elle quickly cut her off before she spoke the part about the trebles which Elle had broken a hundred times. "That's the end of the speech. Nothing weird happens after that." She promised, taking the goblet from her hand and placing it on the table. "These are for you. Don't go in the basement, it's haunted." She held out the house keys.

"Wait! One last thing." Chloe cut her off as Amy came into the room with the circular signed board.

"Yes, every Bella must christen the house by sliding down the staircase," Beca told her.

"Seriously?" Emily doubted slightly.

"It's tradition." Elle nodded.

"Yeah. Don't worry. I'll show you." Fat Amy said, taking the tray and sitting on it at the top of the stairs, getting herself comfortable and then pushing it. "Behold!" She shouted as she did. "Crushed it." She cheered once she finished, even though she practically rolled down the last flight of stairs.

"Good form." Chloe patted her shoulder.

"Now I'm ready to move on. Legacy, you're up." Amy called up the stairs to the Brunette who was already up there with the tray in hand.

"All right, I'm ready. Let's do this!" She called, throwing herself down the stairs—essentially.

The sisters were a family bonded for life and given the name The Bella's. If they didn't get anything else out of College then they got that.

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