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JESSE DROVE ELLE TO HER MEETING WITH THE AGENCY. He was unbelievably proud of her and wanted to spend as much time as he could with her. Between the Bella's rehearsing for the worlds, the new music opportunity, the Trebles music and dealing with the Fat Amy incident they didn't have a lot of time to hang out and we're trying to get as much as possible.

"So? Any first-day jitters?" He asked, leaning against his car while she stood in front of him, trying to fix up her appearance and make herself look presentable enough to be signed by a major record label.

"No, No. I'm just gonna sing as I did on the record, be myself. They seemed to love that." She rambled a little so Jesse took his hands into hers, pressing a kiss to her head.

"I know I love that." He grinned, hugging her and giving her a quick kiss before she had to go.

"Okay. J, why do I feel so guilty?" She sighed, running a hand through her curled hair. "I've given a lot to the Bellas, right? It's, like, three years of my life." She stressed, fanning her face, feeling like she was getting hot.

"Yeah, Elle, you should not feel guilty at all about taking your shot." He stressed, stoping her fanning hands with a slight chuckle making her smile.

"This is a big opportunity, right?" She grinned, proud of herself for working hard enough to get to where she was.

"Yes, it's an incredible opportunity, for an incredible girl. Okay. Go." He stressed, smiling down at her, even leant against his car she was more than a few inches smaller than him.

"All right." She sighed, a smile rising on her face the more she thought about the outcomes of the day.

"Nothing's gonna stop my girl!" He called out making her blush. "Get it, babe!" He called out again and she laughed, walking into the room where it all began.

The walls were a dark blue throughout the whole room, three waiting chairs sat across from the desk where a middle-aged blonde woman with bright pink lipstick stood with what appeared to be a forced smile on her lips.

"Hello, I'm Elle Santos, I'm here—" She introduced herself while the woman typed on her laptop.

"For a meeting with Mark Lewis, I know." She cut her off snappily, typing something aggressively on her keyboard before picking up her phone and calling in. "She's here." She spoke bitterly down the phone. Once she hung up, the woman gestures towards the blue chairs for her to wait in.

The brunette took a seat and only goy increasingly more worried about the whole thing as she did. But she was only waiting a few moments before a tall man with a head full of brown hair, bushy brown eyebrows and thick eyelashes, a sharp jawline and dressed in a smart suit walked into the room.

"Elle Santos?" He asked, holding his hand out for her. She nodded and shook it. "Right this way." He gestured for her to follow him. They walked down a corridor in silence until they got about halfway down. "Sorry about Carol at the desk, we used to hook up, she's still bitter." He noted making the girl laugh.

"It's fine, honestly. Thank you for this opportunity." She said happily and he nodded.

"Absolutely. Your voice is incredible. I do not doubt that we can make something out of you. If you're lucky then you could be signed today. We just need to hear you sing some of your songs and we'll have a chat, fill out some paperwork and see where it goes from there." He explained and she grinned wildly.

Elle spent the whole morning and a little into the afternoon at the recording studio, going over the lyrics of her songs while Mark and his team made a few tweaks. But ultimately at the end of the day. Elle Santos got her very first legit record deal.

Elle Santos had achieved her dream.

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