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                 ELLE WAS BOTH UTTERLY TERRIFIED AND AMAZINGLY EXCITED. The group had so much riding on their performance that it would be impossible for them to not feel some kind of worry about their performance. It could designate the restarting or the end of the Bella's and none of them was ready to find out which way it would go—unless it was good.

"Here it is, folks. The granddaddy of them all. The World Championship of A Cappella!" John announced the most energetic introduction he had made. Whether it was because tonight could be utterly humiliating for the Bella's or because it was a big competition, they didn't want to know that either. "Tonight, groups from around the globe duke it out for the title of A-ca World Champion." He kicked off the podcast.

"And, of course, representing America, the embattled Barden Bellas. The Bellas, making one last attempt to repair a damaged legacy by becoming the first American team to claim the title. Can they do it, John?" Gail followed on, an equally exciting introduction.

"Theoretically, yes, Gail. Realistically, absolutely not. Those girls are dead to me." He spoke bluntly and so the audience got their answer. John was only there to see them fail.

"So many countries represented here tonight, John." She smiled, looking around at the many groups and presenters that were surrounding them.

"We saw in rehearsal an incredible group from the Philippines. What were they called?" John asked, quirking an eyebrow as he thought about it himself.

"The Ladyboys," Gail said and the man beside her frowned.

"That wasn't the name of the group, I don't think. I think that's how they described themselves." He contradicted and she nodded once she realised he was correct.

"That's right. They're "Manila Envy." Gail finally remembered. They were five minutes into their podcast and had already gone completely off track.

"Manila Envy. You know, I spent some time with some ladyboys, uh, in the Philippines myself." He reminisced while the people at home just wished he would get back to talking about the Bella's.

"Not surprising." Gail hummed.

"Very interesting young men. Doing amazing things with their mouths, I presume. When we go back to the stage, I'll do a few for you here." John promised and Gail looked extremely hesitant to accept the offer.

"Uh, you know, we can get to it, I think. Okay. You know, maybe when the Koreans are out there because no one cares about the Korean group." She suggested, knowing that they would never get to it and she never wanted them to.

"Love that barbeque." John acknowledged something that the people at home could agree with for once.

Elle was beyond nervous, Chloe had given them all a pep talk but it had only made her even more scared. She was shaking her hands out and cracking her knuckles, just doing anything to keep her mind active and thinking about anything that wasn't the fact they were going on stage in less than an hour. The adrenaline she was feeling was being overpowered by the doubt in her mind and now all she could worry about was messing the opportunity up by making a mistake.

"Hey." A voice spoke awkwardly, with a hint of determination. She wasn't the only one who was terrified about what they were about to do.

Elles's head turned to the boy in a flash. Her green eyes met the mesmerisingly perfect ones of his. His hands were clasped in front of him and his lips were firmly pressed together while he waited to see what her response to him being there would be. "What are you doing here?" She asked hesitantly. She didn't need him to come and mess her up by making her feel all those emotions she had pushed behind her for their performance.

"Oh, you... You know, anything to support the Bella's." He shrugged and Elle nodded, turning away from him. Clearly, he hadn't come for her.

"You look beautiful." He complimented with half a smile. Elle scoffed and folded her arms over her chest turning to face him.

"No. I don't. Not to you. You don't get to do that. You don't get to—to walk away from us and then come back and say stuff like that." She ranted, walking closer and closer as she did. "You don't get to literally obliterate everything I felt for you because you don't trust me and then come back and act like this didn't happen. You don't get to act like the boy that I love and act like—" She continued to ramble until Jesse shut her up.

Once she was close enough, he grabbed her by the waist and smashed his lips against hers. For a moment she kissed back but then she snapped back into reality. "And you don't get to kiss me and have it magically fix everything." She added and he sighed, looking down. She turned to walk away but he practically sprinted after her and caught her by her bicep.

"I know. I know that okay. Does the fact I can all the way here to see you not show you anything? I love you, Elle, I'm in love with you. And I swear that if I could go back in time like Marty McFly—in your favourite movie—back to the future then I would, I'd go back and ignore Eric when he told me he kissed you, I'd go back and punch myself in the face for believing him, I'd go back and hate myself for being so Jealous at the thought of it that I couldn't see through his lie. I'd go back and realise I have the most incredible girl in the whole world and realise I'd be an idiot to let her go. And I'd go back and listen to Benji sooner when he told me that I was being an idiot." He spoke, barely taking a breath as he spoke.

"I love you too." She said with a smile on her face, brighter than anyone she had ever had before. "And I'm sorry for not telling you when he tried to kiss me." She added.

"That doesn't matter." He spoke with finality, pressing his lips against hers once again. Pouring all of his regretfulness, jealousy and happiness into it that he had.

"Elle, you ready?" Beca called over to the brunette who was physically weak at the knees by Jesses kiss. The pair broke apart and the girl quickly turned around to face Beca while Jesse smirked behind her.

"Yeah. Yeah, I'll be right there." She stumbled.

"Jesse." She acknowledged, walking past the pair with a grin on her face, she was so going to go and spill all the details she saw to the Bella's.

"You're gonna kill it," Jesse assured her, quickly pecking her lips again before she had to run away to find the rest of her group. "Nothings gonna stop my girl!" He called out. Ellesse was back.

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