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                     THEY WERE FINALLY GRADUATING AND ELLE WAS DOING IT, NOT ONLY WITH HONOURS BUT WITH HER MUSIC IN THE PROCESS OF BEING PRODUCED. Although, of course, it was their group so nothing was ever calm. They lived in a state of constant chaos.

"We're gonna be late!" Flo shouted, fixing her graduation cap on her thick black curled hair, blowing the dangling bit out of her face every time it dropped down before finally she gave up and just accepted it.

"We're taking the photo with or without you. We're taking the photo with or without you!" Elle shouted over all the chattering. They had been waiting for Fat Amy to straighten her hair forever.

"Everybody get together." Emily beckoned with her hand. "No, no, no, together." She insisted when Becca visibly scrunched herself up so nobody wrapped an arm around her until Elle forced her to by throwing an arm around her shoulder. "One, two, three!" She counted down.

"Bellas for life!" They all chanted and Emily took the photo. The group of girls had been captured perfectly. Beca wasn't smiling and looked moody as always, Chloe was smiling so widely it took up half her face. Elle was smiling with pure happiness that it reached her eyes for the first time in a while. Cynthia was strangely looking at Stacie, Stacie was pouting and had her hands on her boobs and Ashley and Jessica had their faces smashed so close together that they were practically becoming one person.

"Okay. So, is there a restaurant in this town that serves something other than fish?" Beca huffed, looking down at the map of Copenhagen. They had been there all of 5 hours and were yet to find a restaurant that didn't only sell fish or something like it.

"I did see a KFC back there." Emily thought, pointing toward the street behind them. They honestly all
looked immensely out of place. They thought Copenhagen was sunny and so were all dressed in shorts and t-shirts while the people around then were wearing coats with their hoods zipped up since it was raining.

"Nope. All fish. I checked." Beca deadpanned, hugging Elles arm so she was fully under her umbrella.

"Guys, over here. Come this way." She beckoned.

"Oh, Chloe, I'm coming for ya!" Beca called
out, running from under Elles umbrella to under Chloe's. She was the only one who forgot an umbrella.

"Whoo-hoo. College graduates! Spreading my wings, y'all!" Flo said excitedly, seeing the upside of the city, just like she usually did.

"There are so many fresh Danishes here. I swear, if I wasn't recently locked down, I would tear a hole through this city!" Fat Amy chipped in, practically drooling at the pastries that surrounded her.

" This place is so smelly and rainy." Elle huffed, wrapping a black zip-up—that she had luckily brought—-around her to give herself as much heat as she could get.

"Why do Americans ever leave America?" Florencia asked with distaste.

"Culture, design, history." Elle shrugged, listing so many reasons that it diminished her point completely.

"I'm not copen-hating this place." Stacie chipped in, eyeing up a group of guys that were sitting outside a restaurant they were walking past.

"I'm starving." Any complained over all of them chatting.

"Yeah, why don't we go visit Hayden Christian Andersen's house?" Stacie suggested again, admiring her nails that she had gotten done especially for the competition.

"That guy? But he was pretty crap in the Star Wars prequels." Cynthia shut her down quickly.

"Well, here we are. Do you think the stage is big enough for what we want to do?" Chloe asked, looking out at the currently empty field that had a large stage in the middle and only a few stragglers wandering around it.

"You're kidding, right? It's huge." Elle deadpanned and they all nodded, looking at the stage that was at least ten times larger than the one at Lincoln Centre.

"You guys think it'll work?" Beca asked hopefully.

"It'll work for us. That's what matters." Chloe assured them, looking at the group of girls that had become her family. Elle smiled happily, finally getting to a point where she was feeling the adrenalin of going on stage, even when they were hours away.

"Let's go!"

"Let's do this thing!"


They all cheered, walking through the entrance of the festival gates, showing them their Bella's paperwork so the guy gave them performance badges. "Everyone knows where to meet, right?" Chloe asked in a motherly sort of way. Worried about losing someone and being late for the performance.

"Yeah, we know," Cynthia assured.

"All right. Safety first, Flo." She lectured again when Flo started to flip into the stadium.

Elle didn't realise that the whole 24 hours would be more eventful than she had first anticipated.

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