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ELLE DIDN'T KNOW WHY THEY FORCED THEIR WAY THROUGH THE BUSH TO GET INTO THE TREBLES. But she was following Amy and the rest of the Bella's. If they did it then she was going to as well.

"Let's go get into treble!" Chloe called out, her hands in the air she danced her way across the grass to where the rest of the people at the party were dancing.

"Has this bush always been here?" Stacie asked, waking her way between the twigs, leaves and branches.

"You know there's a gate, right?" Cynthia pointed out and Elle nodded.

"Wow. My first college party." Emily grinned excitedly, looking around at all of the bright fairy lights and the tiki glasses and cocktails that made it look a little Hawaiian.

"Yeah, well, this isn't just any college party. This is a cappella only!" Amy cheered loudly, throwing her arms up in the air and nudging the girl's arm. "Yeah. So, get prepared to meet a lot of sexually confused men." She murmured and Emily looked around slightly concerned.

"Girlfriend! Bella's! Welcome, welcome, welcome!" Jesse called out to the group of girls that just arrived, picking his girlfriend from out the crowd and pulling her to stand with him, an arm around her shoulders, kissing her on the head.

"Hey! Benji, right?" Emily asked when the awkward boy walked over to her with a smile on his face.

He mumbled out a few coherent words that didn't sound like anything. "Those aren't... Okay, those aren't words. I'm sorry? ...the movies?" He rambled again and Emily looked both sympathetic and confused.

"Are you asking me out?" She asked—hoping he was because it would be very awkward for the girl if she had got the wrong impression.

"Yes." He answered bluntly.

"Yeah? Oh. That's so sweet. It's just, my... It's my first day. Um... I wasn't really planning on rushing in on anything." She apologised and Benji was a little disappointed. But avoid the rejection, he threw a smoke bomb on the floor and crouched down behind it. The smoke made Emily cough, making for an awkward departure.

Elle hopped up on the counter in the kitchen where the drinks were, a plastic cup in her hand. "So? How was the meeting?" He asked hopefully, standing between Elles's legs with his hands on her waist.

"It was great." She grinned and Jesse quirked his eyebrow, waiting for her to tell him what happened so he could celebrate with her. "I filled out the paperwork this afternoon and I've officially been signed for a record label." She smiled widely and Jesse threw his hands up in the air in celebration making her laugh.

"I'm so proud of you." He grinned, pressing his lips against hers. She deepened the kiss and he pulled her further against him, her legs wrapped around his waist while she remained still sat on the countertop—the pair completely unaware of the boy whose eyes were solely focused on the two.

When they broke apart, they were flushed and lips puffy. He helped her off the counter and lead her outside to dance but it ultimately came back to his lips against hers again, until they broke apart again and everyone broke out into dance, taking turns in the middle of the small circle they had all formed.

Elle left the circle to go get another drink from the kitchen, between the alcohol and the dancing she was in desperate need of a glass of water. She grabbed an empty cup and filled it up, taking a large gulp from the cup.

"Hey." A guy greeted, leaning against the counter with a smirk on his face.

"Hey." Elle acknowledge, recognising the boy from the Trebles, wiping away a bit of water that slipped out when she was downing her water. The next thing she knew, he had slammed her against the wall and tried to press his lips to hers.

She pushed his shoulders away and ducked away from him. "I have a boyfriend. You sing with him." She informed him and backed away. He shrugged and ignored her, getting closer again. "I said no." She snapped when
he did it again.

"I'm gonna tell everyone it happened anyway, so you might as well kiss me." He snapped back and she scoffed before storming away, not thinking anything of it. Part of her knew she should tell Jesse, but the other part of her knew that if she did it would cause a divide in the Treble group and she didn't want to be the cause of that. So she didn't and she just went back to the party as nothing happened.

"Hi! Hi. I am so excited to meet the woman who is the main focus of the Bella sound. Thank you for letting me audition. I can't believe we're sisters!" Emily grinned once she got a moment alone with Elle.

"Oh! Yeah, hi! It's good to have you in the group." She smiled, handing Emily a drink which she took with a smile, the pair heading back over to the crowd that was dancing. She danced close to Jesse, slightly freaked out after the guy in the kitchen.

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