𝟏𝟏|𝐑𝐈𝐅𝐅-𝐎𝐅𝐅 𝟐.𝟎

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FAT AMY HAD INITIATED THE PILLOW FIGHT WHEN SHE SMACKED ELLE ON THE HEAD. She had then retaliated and thrown the one from the sofa in her direction and accidentally hit Chloe instead. And that was how they all got dragged into a mass pillow fight in the lounge.

Beca was the last to arrive home. "What am I looking at?" She asked once she did so, looking around at all of the girls jumping on the furniture in their pyjamas with feathers from their pillows floating in the air around them.

"We're pillow fighting!" Chloe called out while Elle and Fat Amy continued to target each other. Fat Amy threw her pillow at the brunette who quickly dropped onto the sofa and avoided it. Sending it flying directly into Becas shoulder. "Aah!" She grunted making the girls laugh.

Beca laughed at the group. "You know this sets women back, like, 30 years?" She pointed out, gesturing to the classing girl's sleepover with pillow fights.

Chloe shrugged. "We're just relieving some stress." She brushed off, dropping down on the sofa beside Elle, narrowly avoiding a pillow from Stacie who had been aiming for Cynthia.

Beca shrugged them off. "This was on the porch." She pointed out, all the girls crowded around the envelope which was taken and opened by Elle.

"Ooh. What is that?" Jessica and Ashley asked in union before hitting each other with pillows once again.

"Looks fancy." Chloe noticed, just as Elle opened the envelope and it released a strange zen noise which made her snap the card closed again, she opened it again and then closed it again when it did the same thing before she finally opened it. "Looks like we've been invited to sing at some kind of a party." She noticed, reading the card over Elles's shoulder.

"We're going to sing?" Emily asked excitedly. "Finally!" She jumped off the sofa excitedly.

"Well, there's just an address and a password," Elle noted.

"How sexy and mysterious." Fat Amy hummed, they all looked at her with a frown which she ignored.

"Yeah. Like how all my teeth are from other people." Lily mumbled under her breath unnervingly.

The group took a few minutes to get changed and ready before they headed to the stranger location. "Anyone else scared?" Emily asked and most of the group nodded since they were feeling the same.

"Not really. I already lived longer than I expected." Francisca contradicted.

Once they arrived at the front door, they all were too scared to knock and so Elle pushed Beca forward and she was the one who knocked. They all jumped from the noise when whoever was on the other side of the door slid open the hatch in the door.

"Password." The man spoke simply.

Beca looked around at the girls who beckoned for her to do so. "Fart noise." She said awkwardly and the man on the other side of the door huffed.

"Did you not see the parentheses?" He asked and Beca sighed, finally making the farting noise again her arm, resulting in the door opening and the man being revealed. He was bald and wearing a blue kimono, riding a scooter. "Bellas! I'm so glad you all came. Come on in." He beaconed, leading them to his kitchen. He stood on one side while they stood on the other. "Standing in front of you, ladies happens to be the world's biggest Cappella fan." He said excitedly.

"We found you!" Elle smiled awkwardly.

"Hello. Here I am." He grinned, resting his hands under his chin.

"What can we do for you?" Elle asked curiously. Since they had been dragged to a random house in the middle of the evening, in a random neighbourhood, with a random guy, she'd like to know why.

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