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N A M E : Cute & Dangerous
G E N R E: Romance

[Lead characters]

Jeon Jungkook

• 28 years old
• Son of Jeon Seo-jung & Jeon Kangmi
• Doesn't have patience
• Doesn't like liar or backstabber
• Very professional in his work
• Doesn't believe in love
• Hates weak people
• Mercy doesn't exist in his dictionary

Choi Y/n

• 18 years old
• Daughter of Choi Ji-Sung & Choi Su-jin
• Lost her parents at the age of 10
• Lives alone with her grandma
• Stopped going to school at 10
• Weak and fragile
• Gets panic attack by triggering words
• Has fear of facing men


Before you start Reading, a few things you should know....

"Cute & Dangerous" a Jeon Jungkook fan fiction, is completely written and edited by me, swaeg001 and I dedicate this story to one of my favourite author and most supportive, the cutest friend bunnyschubs

The story line, place, incident is completely my imagination. Nothing is related to reality. If you find some similarities, then it's totally unintentional coincidence.

All the pictures, fan arts, edits and GIF are actually from either google or Pinterest......so all credit goes to the rightful owner.... I ain't gonna claim any of their hard work as mine.....

I don't own any character of this story..... I'm sincerely requesting you please ignore any kind of typos and grammatical errors. Don't be a silent reader.........please do vote and comment. I would love to read your comment.

Hate comments are not allowed, my writing may suck, but cyber hate is a crime. I'll not tolerate any kind of rude comments.

I do not allow copy or traslate, so don't copy or translate my any ff. If you find someone copying my story please inform me ASAP.

⚠This is a story where the female lead is too weak while the Male lead is quite aggressive and violent. Violence and mentioning of bl00d, M*rder, de*dbody, swear words will be there. This fanfiction will also contain some mature scene⚠

If you are uncomfortable with these mentioned topic, then this is not late yet. I sincerely request you to leave. If you are still here, Nice to meet you. Hope you will love this story.

So, where are my "Baby Wife" lovers? Are you here, Sweethearts? Nice to meet you again. 💜💙

Anyway, Let's start the new love story....


Third person's POV:

Gunshots could be heard from the distance, as a grandmother is hiding behind their closet to save her granddaughter's life from any kind of danger.

Danger means terrorist or Mafia attack.

Yes. They know it's a terrorist war or different groups of Mafia's are fighting very near. 

As they live inside a deep forest, this is not new to them. Every now and then, they hear gunshots around them.

The grandma is used to it since they hear gunshot almost every night.

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