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Jungkook's Pov:

My full body is aching badly.....like a bulldozer just ran over it.

I tried to open my eyes...but the eyelids feels so heavy to open.

My whole body jolted up when I felt a soft hand touching the upper part of my body.

Feels like a soft hand applying some ointment or gel.

The last thing I remember is, I was fighting with the opponent and then everything went blank as I felt nothing but immense pain on my chest and back. And then I fell on the ground and my body went numb as I felt nothing.

I tried to move, but my entire body feels paralysed....I can't f#cking move!!

I tried hard to open my eyes as my gut was telling me something is reaching near me.

Due to sunlight or whatever it is...I failed to open my eyes.

But.....I have to save myself from the thing coming near my face.

And I did....I succeed to catch the thing was coming near me.

Thing? It is not any 'Thing'.... It's a hand....a soft hand.

And then, I succeed to open my eyes as I could only see the blurry ceiling.

The soft hand was struggling to get free from my grip as I could feel the person was trembling.

I blinked few times and now I can see everything clear.

So I looked at the person and my eyes went wide.

A girl???

I blinked again and tried to examine her expression

Her eyes are moist as if it's going to pour tears soon.

Her puffy pink lips are trembling as she is gulping time to time, struggling to get free.

As a drop of tears rolled down from her eyes and trailed down on her cheek, I left her hand.

Within a blink, she rushed somewhere and closed the door with a loud sound.

A loud groan left my mouth as I tried to move.

My lower body is still paralysed.

I looked down at my body. My Upper body is fully exposed and lower body is covered with a blanket.


Thank god....I still have pants on me.

Few wounds are all over my chest. Those B#stard did this to me.

So, the girl was applying some herb paste on my body?

Like seriously?

Did I time travelled and went back to past?

God! Where am I?

I tried to examine the surrounding. It doesn't seem like a hospital.

Am I in captivity of my opponents? They Won't treat me right? That means I'm somewhere else.

And then I heard a knock.

"BunBun, It's me..." a lady voice could be heard along with the soft knock.

I heard the swift footstep and the door opening sound.


No one's Pov:


"H-Halmeoni...." you cried out while shaking in fear.

Grandma was shocked at first and then she hugged you, "BunBun... What happened? Are you okay?"

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