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🍁[11PM. at Jeon Ent. Seoul]🦠🍁

Kang So-Ra just finished her paperwork and sighed in tiredness, "What a hectic day"

Turning off the desktop she arranged all the file on desk before taking the purse to leave.

She was about to go until she saw Jungkook is still in the office.

She smirked before approaching his office. Without knocking, she opened the door to purposely piss him off.

"Hi" she beamed at his annoying expression. He rolled his eyes watching her, while her heels made the most annoying sounds.

She flipped her hairs and sat in front of him before asking, "Aren't you going home?"

"No" he replied typing something on the desktop.

She put her hand on his, that was holding the mouse, and spoke, "Don't overwork. You'll get sick"

He yanked his hand slowly and replied, "Thanks for your concern... Go, get home...Noona"

She smirked and spoke, "How can I go, leaving you with this boring sh!ts?"

This time he got annoyed badly as he clenched his jaw while rubbing his forehead, "Don't joke... Just go home already!"

"Jungkook... Why are you being angry?" she asked acting confused as hell, while smirking secretly.

She sighed dramatically before standing up while saying, "Let me help you"

"No need. Just leave me" jungkook replied immediately knowing she'll approach him soon.

She slowly went near him and smirked, "Are you begging?... You look so hot"

Turning his chair to face her, she made eye contact with him and spoke in a flirty tone, "Let me vanish all the stress"

"Kang So-Ra!!" jungkook warned before she could grab his almost half unbuttoned shirt.

She laughed and spoke, "Sush! People might hear us... "

As his shirt was already half unbuttoned, some cuts on his chest were visible through it.

He noticed where her eyes are, so he wanted to turn back to the desk, but she stopped him and trapped him between the chair and her body.

She bent down and whispered, "You look so hot"

Jungkook's temper was almost at the edge by her behaviour.

Last time she crossed all the limits by spreading rumours that Jungkook has f#cked her in his office.

Meanwhile, Jungkook has never found her enough attractive to touch, let alone f#ck.

Rather he find her a desperate 33 years old single lady, who literally f#cks anybody.

Many time she has spread rumors about jungkook and her dating. Even his parents were also fooled by her. They almost set an engagement. But he was fast enough to solve all the problems she created.

But this time, he is searching for a proper reason to fire her. He can't tolerate her anymore.

"These new cuts looks so h-" she was about to touch his chest until he caught her wrist and spoke, "You'll not hear until I'll yell at you right?"

Instead of getting scared, she smirked at him, "Do it... You look extremely hot when you get angry"

Suddenly, a ringtone caught their attention. Jungkook noticed that his phone is ringing.

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