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"Is she okay?" jungkook asked as soon as your grandma left the room after checking your health.

She wiped the tears and put the glasses on her nose before saying, "I thought she'll not wake up anymore"

Jungkook felt a pang in his chest.

What kind of trauma she has, that made her this much fragile and vulnerable?

Meanwhile, Namjoon and Yoongi kept looking at each other with confusion.

'What the hell is happening here?' yoongi thought.

Namjoon poked Yoongi indicating to look at Jungkook.

Yoongi whipped his head only to witness the fearless mafia son of Mr. Jeon is showing a rare emotion he shouldn't.

'How much they meant for him to show this kind of rare emotion?' namjoon whispered to yoongi.

"Halmeoni....Can we talk to her and explain the situation?" Jungkook requested.

She sighed and replied, "I don't think she'll come out of her room anytime soon"

Jungkook clenched his fist and thought, 'She was about to get friendly with me.....everything got ruined'

Namjoon cleared his throat and spoke, "Umm......Maam, I'm truly sorry. We thought you captured him and-"

Young-Mi throw a death glare causing him to halt in his sentence.

Yoongi cleared his throat and completed the sentence, "We are extremely sorry...we didn't knew she has any trauma"

She nodded and spoke, "Please hide your guns. It scares me too" pointing at their gun holster of the waist.

"They....They are my b-bodyguards, that's why they needs to carry guns" Jungkook spoke making them frown.

"I can understand...... Excuse me" she said before leaving them alone.

As soon as she left, Namjoon asked in disbelief,"Seriously jungkook?? Bodyguards??"

Both of them stood up from their seat and stared at Jungkook for an explanation.

"Don't tell me, you lied" yoongi said in a stern voice.

Jungkook looked up at them and replied, "Yes....I did. I don't have any choice"

Namjoon and Yoongi scoffed in disbelief.

Jungkook shut his eyes before sinking his face into his palm and spoke, "They are so naive and softhearted...... I neither don't want to harm them nor scare them"

Before Namjoon could say something, he cut him off, "Because of them, I'm still alive. How do you expect me to tell them that the man they saved is actually a Mafia?"

He added, "They saved me thinking I'm innocent but after knowing the truth, do you expect them to take care of me and provide me shelter?"

Yoongi shook his head in disagreement, "But-"

Namjoon cut him off saying, "I think he did the right thing. We can take care of everything"

Namjoon turned to jungkook and spoke, "Mr. Jeon wanted to come here. But we stopped him. Our opponents are still keeping eyes on your parents"

At the moment, Yoongi's phone started buzzing, and he spoke, "He's calling"

They passed the phone to jungkook and he received the video call within a blink, "Dad..."

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