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[A/N: First of all, the main lead's name is not BunBun. It's her nickname given by her grandma]

Let's start the story.....💙


[ Somewhere in Seoul ]

The mid aged man pushed the desktop from the desk in front of him, due to immense anger.

Later on, he threw every single thing from the desk and yelled in anger, "WHERE IS JUNGKOOK? WHERE IS MY SON?"

As the mid aged man kept shouting, others were standing at a corner in fear, hanging their head low.

"WHY ARE YOU QUIET? IS THIS WHY I PAID YOU?" the man shouted again.

No one dared to match eyes with the angry man in front of them, due to fear.

They need to answer eventually, so one of them spoke, "Boss.... he ordered us to take the different route so that we could surround them into a certain point of jungle. We tackled almost every one of them, but.... Jungkook is missing since then"

The boss was fuming in anger while asking, "And then you guys came back? Without him?"

All of them lowered their head again, making his blood boiled with anger.

"HOW DARE YOU LEAVE THE JUNGLE WITHOUT MY SON?" he shouted, grabbing the collar of a young man in front of him.

The younger guy gulped in fear and spoke, "Mr. Jeon... please calm down..... He's.... probably safe"

Mr. Jeon pushed the man on the wall behind him and went back to his seat before asking, "If he's safe, then why he's not returning?"

He took the seat and closed his eyes while grabbing his own hair.

"It was dark inside the jungle, and we searched every possible place near us before leaving. He was nowhere to be found" another man informed with fear of getting killed.

Mr. Jeon looked up at the man and spoke in a heavy tone, "Jungkook is not a kid. Someone else backstabbed him. Someone of you purposely left him, knowing he's in danger..... I'll find out that backstabber later. And let him know his place"

He took a paper weight and threw it on a Glassdoor, making a large crack on it, while the employees flinched at the impact.

"Find my son within 24 hours. Don't show your face if you failed to bring him safe and healthy" Mr. Jeon yelled at them, as the employees bowed before leaving his office room.

As soon as all the employees left the office, the air of the room became thick as it started choking the man who was left alone in the pile of tension.

The mid aged man tried his best to control his mind from thinking the worst while holding back his tears.

His only son is missing. Someone might kidnap him. If they did, why they aren't calling for Ransom. 

What if someone has already killed him? He knows, Jungkook isn't easier target for anyone to do these things with him. He's actually Very Very cautious about his surroundings.

Yet, he couldn't think less about his son's wellbeing. 

They might do illegal works, but they have reason behind it or the situation forced them to do the work. But, they have hearts too. They have family, and they also worry about their family.

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