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Jungkook's Pov:

I saw her getting closer towards me with slow and shy steps.

Her nervousness could be seen through her body language.

Her eyes are barely meeting mine. God!! She's So Damn CUTE...



She approached me and took the bowl beside me and turned back within a second.

"Can you....help me to eat?" she halted, hearing my voice.

I don't f#cking know why I said this.

She looked back at me with nervousness.

"M-my hands are numb"

I lied...

But I don't know why?

Maybe my brain can't easily trust these women and her granddaughter.

So, I should keep doing this drama of innocent until I can fully trust them.

She, slowly and steadily, approached me again and took a seat far away from me.


I can barely move my leg..... How am I going to harm you, little girl?

What was her name?



She took a spoonful of fruit salad, but her body went numb.

For a second, I thought she went freeze.

After a few struggles, she picked the spoon and brought it up in the air.

Well, the salad looks tasty.....So, I opened my mouth to devour them.

Sh!t...she went freeze again.

But her hands are trembling.

With open mouth, I kept staring at her trembling figure.

What happened to her?

Come on, kiddo...I'm hungry.

Great, she is lost again in her daydream.

This 15/16 years old girls are always daydreaming.

Well, at least, by her appearance, she seems 15/16.

I'm literally hungry, girl...Feed Me!!

Now, I'm regretting for asking help from her, even though I can move my hand a little.

Ahem... I cleared my throat to bring her back to the earth and opened my mouth again.

And the next thing she did is, shoving the spoon forcefully into my mouth suddenly.

I coughed loudly after getting chocked by fruit salad.


I cursed unintentionally, earning a loud gasp from her.

"I'm... I'm sorry" she cried out in fear.

"I-I didn't w-wanted to hurt you" she stuttered, and nervousness is visible on her face.

"Bring me water" I barely said between cough.

She hurriedly brought a cup of water and helped me to drink it.

When I came back to normal stage, I saw her eyes are already soaked in tears.

Well, What have I done now?

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