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A manly perfume that has fragrance of the mixture of flower and wood, spread across the room.

You looked up to see the first man that made your heart beat like crazy is approaching.

The way he walks as if he is the king and he owns the place. His appearance screams so powerful.

Sometimes you wonder what kind of job he does?

Wearing the casual official attire, jungkook came out of his room as a professional CEO, you've read in the novels, more like a modern version.

Black skin tight pant, that gives the glimpse of his thick thighs, black silk shirt that has few buttons undone, with a black coat that has thin golden stripe, which made him look so gorgeous.

Your eyes are stuck at him as you could see bright lights are coming from him. Without knowing you placed your hand on your heart, that were beating so fast.

While, he put the coat on the chair beside him before rolling up his sleeves to sit down for breakfast.

His tattoos are peaking out from the rolled up sleeves and metal rings and piercings reflecting bright lights that you found so mesmerizing.

He smiled at your grandma as she put the food in front of him. He seems to smile ear to ear today. Probably he's too happy to return to his previous life.

'He'll never return to us after being busy with his personal life and business' you thought as you left the table without saying anything.

Jungkook and your grandma was confused by your actions. Then, Young-Mi(grandma) realized that you're not happy about his leaving.

Yet she can't say anything to jungkook to ruin his mood. So she just smiled, "Probably she is not feeling well. She'll be alright, don't worry"

Jung kook nodded before deciding to finish the delicious foods displayed in front of him.

Later when Yoongi and namjoon arrived with a Mercedes, jungkook wore his coat to take farewell.

He hugged Young-Mi (grandma) and she became emotional suddenly. In this few weeks he has grew an unconditional relationship with them and became a part of their family.

"Don't forget us" Young-Mi said breaking the hug before wiping the warm tears.

"Of course not..." jungkook replied with a warm smile.

He scanned every corner of the room and asked, "Where is y/n?"

"She....Uh- She's inside. Probably playing games on the phone you gave her" she replied wearing her glasses.

"Can I talk to her?" he asked in hesitation. And she gave permission almost immediately, "Sure.. "

He went to your room but didn't dare to enter as the crying scene from last night kept reminding.

With a sigh, he knocked the door and asked, "Y/n.... You okay?"

Everything was silent for a while until you replied softly, "Ne(Yeah), Jungkook-shi"

"Can I come inside?" he asked with hesitations and you went silent for a while before giving permission.

He entered the room and saw you curling up in a corner of your room hugging your favorite soft toy back facing him.

He wanted to see your face so badly yet he don't want to sound demanding.
"Are you sad because I'm leaving?" he asked in a gentle voice.

"A-Ani(No)" you replied without facing him.

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